Anymore Grilled Cheese?

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"Que! What the fuck does this mean?". 

"Huh?" He asked and I shoved my phone in his face. 

"What's dat dea" Prince looked at my phone. "What you den did?" Gawa looked at Brandon. 

"Yeo, I haven't even looked at girl in a long time" Brandon said. 

"Que please dont lie to me" I cry and he stood up, hugging me. 

"Billie, I been focused on making sure my babies got a fancy ass room here, That's all I've been doing is upstairs cleaning up". 

Brandon wanted a room here for the twins and Eli and Isaac moved out, so he DEEPLY cleaned up that room, like, was cleaning it for a week. 

Cause they were messy. 

"She text again" Prince said and Brandon sighed, taking the phone. "Billie, only time we den left this damn house is to get some food" Prince told me. 

"He at my house rn" Brandon read. 

And then she sent a picture which was badly photoshopped.

"Oh" I hiccup. 

"Why would I cheat on a girl with hella ass for a girl with a long back?". 

We all laugh, him kissing away my tears. 

"Is there anymore grilled cheese?" I sniff and then it was their turn to laugh at me. 

That Night 

"Brandon take my bra off". 

"Nope" he smiled. 

I laid out on the bed and pout, him trying to lay down. 

"Man move!" He grumbled. 

"I'm not even that tall to be in your way". 

"Mama" he looked at me. 

"I dont need yo ugly ass foot poking me in the dick" he said and I giggled, laying straight. 

He took my bra off and I fling it at the wall, making us loudly laugh. 

Gawa beat on the wall to tell us to be quiet, but our goofy asses couldn't stop laughing. 

Soon we calmed down and Brandon got in front of my stomach, kissing all over it. 

"You are mean" he poked the top of my stomach, where baby A was. 

That one did not like to be messed with, baby B loves hearing Brandon. 

"My baby just wants to sleep" I softly rub as Brandon talked to the other. 

Soon we fell asleep, Brandon still laying on my stomach. 

Next Day

"Aww!"I squeal, looking at the room the boys put together. 

"It's so cute" I pout, waddling around the room. 

"Alot of bleeding when into this" Prince smiled. 

"Y'all are just clumsy" I giggle, looking at the framed ultrasounds on the wall. 

"Like it?" Gawa slung an around my shoulder. 

"Bitch move" Brandon pushed him, going the same thing Gawa did. 

"Yes," I laugh. 

"I love it, It's nice" I smiled as my phone went off. 

"It's Danielle" Prince sighed. 

I grab my phone and go to the message. 

'If y'all don't break up I'm telling the media, we don't want your babies to grow up with a rapist of a father hmm?'. 

"This bitch is crazy about you" I said. 

"Cause I got good pipe" he said, licking his lips and I smack him, them all laugh. 

"Whatever, what do I do? Well, what do we do?". 

"Break up". 

We all look at Brandon and he rolled his eyes. 

"Like, to the media, we'll break up". 

"What the hell does that mean?" I ask. 

"Not like say it, but maybe in a interview next year, hint that we've broken up and your fans with get what you're trying to say cause them fuckers smart as hell". 

"But they'll hate on you, you know they're toxic too" I uncomfortably cross my arms. 

"I can take it, I'll get a new 'girlfriend' and all, i dont want stress on you" he rubbed my shoulders. 

"To make it real, act like you just cut us all off," Prince shrugged. 

"Billie it ain't like you doing it forreal, it's just to get everyone off ya back" Gawa smiled. 

"I see what you're saying" I frown. 

"It ain't gon happen really" Brandon said. 

"Ok but baby what if it does? What if you catch feelings for whoever the fake girlfriend is? What if we actually start to act like how we are? Baby I don't wanna lose you". 

"Mama, I love you, ain't nothing gon stop us, and deep down, we both know it ain't gon be true, and i know an annoying ass girl That's gon take me and I ain't- fo sho aint gon catch feelings for". 

"Are you talking about Tani?" Prince asked and Brandon nodded. 

"Oh dont worry, Brandon can't stand that girl," the two laughed and Brandon gave me a reassuring hug. 

"If we do, please dont treat me bad". 

"I ain't leaving you til I die". 

"Til death do us apart". 

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