l have no words. . .

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It's been three weeks since Sans joined the bad Sanses or Nightmare's Gang ( N,G for short) and so far everything has been going good. Apart from the fact that Dust is having weird feelings around Sans and he does not know what to do with himself because the only love he has is the Level Of ViolEnce. Moving on, Nightmare is making sure his brother Dream and the rest of the so called 'Star Sanses' will not know that the original was taken by them but they will find out soon enough. Cross is still trying to get over his fear of cows and failing badly. Horror is still banned from the kitchen because of the intestine thing. Error is destroying another AU called lust-tale or something. Red is back within his own AU. Dust try's to avoid Sans because. . . well you know. Killer is talking with Sans explanation all the rules of their home.

Killer: Okay Sans Here are the rules of this house okay?

Sans: K! 

Killer: Rule 1: All ways listen to Nightmare because he's the boss and the one that you owe your life to. 

Rule 2: If a Star Sans ever comes here make sure that they don't see you. 

Rule 3: Clean up after yourself. That's it.

Sans: Okay Killer. Oh and who's making dinner?

Killer: No clue Sans.

Sans: That's okay Killer.

Sans then teleport-ed out of the room only to appear in the kitchen in order to make dinner. He made a mental note to thank Toril for her cooking lesson's as he prepared to make the bad Sanses dinner. He first started by finding out what they like then began preparing the kitchen by chopping up the veg's and fruit and Turing on the oven and stove to heat up what he is cooking. It turn's out that everyone loves lasagne so he started on the mince and he made sure not to burn the meat and added the chopped veg to the cooking mince and then started on the creamy top of the meal. He put the creamy top on the waiting base and then moved the lasagne to the oven and then prepared the table by laying out the table cloth and setting the plats out and made sure that ever thing is prepared for the gang to come here to eat. He then heard a ping of the timer going of on the oven saying that the cooking has been completed.

( If this is wrong please tell me because l can't cook for sh-t.)

Sans: Come on and get tea everyone!!

Nightmare, Cross , Killer, Dust and Horror walked into the kitchen and their mouths FELL to the floor in awe at the meal and smell that it gave off.

Sans: Come on in everyone it's ready to ea-

Error: WhAT I3 ThAT SmELL? (what is that smell)

Error had his head sticking out of one of his portals and looking at them.

Red: Hi guy's l came along with Error and that looks good.

Sans:  I have made lasagne so come here and sit down and l will serve it right up.

Everyone sat down and Sans then started to serve the meal he made and when everyone had a bit of it he sat down to enjoy his. Normally the people around the table would be discussing about something but today everyone was to much enjoy the meal that they got. In fact it was so good that everyone apart from Sans went back for third's.

Nightmare: l want you to cook from now on okay. 

Sans: Okay that sound's good Nightmare.

Horror: That was the best meal of my life. 

Error: W0w ThaT3 S0me GO0d StuFF.

Red: So Good. 

Dust: Very nice Sansy~

Sans: * Oh my God, breath your okay, your oka- OMG, Omg, Omg* T-Thanks Dust.

Everyone else: * I Have no words for what l am seeing. They look soooooo cute together! Dust better treat Sans right.

( I really want to make a bad Sanses x Classic Sans or a Everyone x Classic Sans  which do you want?) 

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