Nice job.

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Nightmare and the others were waiting quietly for Dust and Sans to get back so they could see if their ship sailed or not.

Cross: Are those two love birds done yet?

Nightmare: They are not back so no they are not done. There is still a minute left.

Error: PleAse TeLL mE tHaT Th3y arE U3eiNg pr0TeshiOn.

Red: I am not cleaning up that mes-

The door opened showing Dust caring Sans piggy back style. Dust walked to a chair and moved his grip so Sans is on his lap ( B.T.W Sans is asleep right now) then sat down with his arms around Sans like he is protecting him. Sans shifted so he is facing Dust and curled up like a cat would in Dust's arms and they all saw Dust smile lovingly at this. There was a royal blue blush on Sans's face while there was a purple blush on Dust's face. Everyone in the room could sense that Dust had claimed Sans as his and his along. They all knew that no-one was going take Sans away from Dust or he will kill them.

Nightmare: So how was it Dust?

Dust: You already know what happened so why are you asking?

Cross: We want details.

Dust: Not going to happen.

Red: Your no fun you know that right?

Dust: I know. Now I do not know about you but l'm going to bed.

Nightmare: Let me guess. That's because your worn out by mating Sans? 

Dust: Shut up. You do the same with Cross.

Nightmare/Cross: '///////////'

Dust then proceeded to stand up and then caring Sans bridle style, walked out of the room to his bedroom. He opened the door by kicking it then walked to his bed and put down Sans gently into the bed then climbed in after him making sure to keep a strong but not to strong grip on Sans making sure that no-one takes him away when Dust falls asleep while everyone one else fan-girls loudly because their ship sailed.

Mean-while in another place-----------------------------------------------------

Ink: Okay now that everyone is here I can tell you what happen that's so bad that I called you all here in the middle of the night.

Death: This better be bloody important. I was in the middle of one of my reaping's.

Dream: You all know Classic right?

Outer: Yes, he is the originally of us all. Why do you brine him up?

Blue: Well because Ink and the both of us found out something about Classic that is terrifying.

Dance: What do you mean? Did something happen to Classic?

Dream: We found out that that not only that Classic is missing but when we looked into his AU's save file to try and find him we found out that if Classic dies out-side of his Au he can NOT come back even if his frisk reset's to get him. Not only that but the terrifying thing is that because Classic the first one created and everyone here was made from him that means if he dies then we die as well. Think as it as a mass genocide only this will kill everything in the vast multiverse even the gods like Death and guardians like Ink will die as well. No one will be able to survive this. Nothing but empty space will remain.















Everyone else: What!?!

Shattered Dream: This is bull shit!

Geno: How can we get him back if he is like always 1 HP from dying?

Blue: That's the other terrifying thing we found out is that Classic does not have 1 Hp, 1 ATTACK or 1 DEFENCE.

Abyss: What is it then?

Ink: We do not know about that, it could be anything. All we know is the AU's code put a sort of blocker on his information on his power and other things like were he came from and how he was able to start the birth of the multiverse.

Sci: So we know nothing about Classic other than his name?

Bird: Seems like it.

Epic: Bruh is this so bad. 

Razz: We are gonna die aren't we?

Fresh: Come of it bro's it is not that bad my bro's. So how we chill a-bit?

G-Sans: Well Fresh we are facing a mass genocide right now and some of us would like to survive it.

Time kid: Do we have any clue of who or what toke Classic from his AU or are we still in the dark about that?

Dream: l think that it was the bad Sanses along with my brother Nightmare.

Necros: Have you looked everywhere in every AU?

Ink: Yes l can not find him.

Template: Wait the multiverse never ending so how can you look everywhere?

Ink: I have my way's Template.

Hate: Came we please get back to the fact that Classic is missing and the fact that none of the bad Sanses are here even when Ink called them.

Error404: If the bad Sanses really toke him then then we are in danger of them killing Classic because they do not know the mass genocide thing do they?

Dream: Last we checked they did not know about that.

Bird: We are all going to die are we not?

Everyone apart from Death and the Star-Sanses: Yes we are.


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