Cute and how

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Everything was peacefully in N,G mansion. That is because everyone is asleep or knock-out from drinking. Let me explain ( 4th wall break. . . I still have NO clue what that means but ever story l have read has it)

Okay so Nightmare and the rest of the group thought it would be a good idea to see who can drink the most alcohol in the shortest time. It started out fun but the more the other's got drunk the more. . . what's the word. . . active they got.  So paint that picture ( BTW Sans was the only one not drinking)  Dust was kissing Sans, Error got stuck in his own strings ( how the fuck does that happen) and when Nightmare who already had 8 drinks tried to get him down. . . well that did not go very well ( I am trying so hard not to laugh right now while typing this) Nightmare ended up upside down swinging side to side while signing in the worst way  'I came in like a wrecking ball'. Cross was trying to save himself but ended up laying with his arse on the table while his head was on Horror's chest who was on the floor kissing a knife he somehow got into his hands.  Red was no better off because he tried to take Sans away from Dust and he was thrown out of the room faster then a train. Dust was still kissing Sans who at this time was blushing a royal blue colour a-Cross his face.

Dust: Your So0o0ooo0 Cute Snasy~! 

Sans: '/////' T-Thank Y-you?

Then Dust put all his weight on Sans and they FELL onto the ground in a head then Dust passed out cold.

Sans: * OMG he is to cute. I-I like you so muc- No! He's just a friend that's all!! Right?* Oh my god Dust you have to get knocked out now? -__-

Everyone else at this point had passed out and was going to stay that way. I have no clue what happened to red but he ended up some were. I just don't were.

Sans: Really? You guys really are something.

Sans stared to get Dust of him and carry him to the lounge room and flopped him on the couch were he was going to put everyone else until they woke up.

5 minutes later---------------------------------------------------------------------

Sans had got everyone to lay on the large couch but Error was still in his stings asleep. So he had to get him down but how on earth can he do that? So he stared to pull at random stings and Error FELL face first on to wall then slid down in the most fucking funnest way possible. Needless to say Sans could easily say that he has never laughed so hard apart from then. It was 2 minutes later when he stopped his laughing long enough to tack his phone out to tack a picture and then put his phone away.

Sans:*blackmail when l need it* ; )

Sans picked Error up and then walked to the couch were a heap of bones are and dumped him along with Cross.

Sans: You guys look like puppies when you sleep together. Your so cute Dus- * Jesus Fucking Christ! what the fuck was that!!!! no-nO-NO!!! I do not like HIM that way. N.O. . . . . But. . . . . . he kissed me like a "I like you" Kiss. No I don't like him that way but then why did I let it happen?

Sans was screaming in his head and then he said aloud

Sans: Okay just breath and clam down. . . Why does Dust have to be so dawn cute and like a huge teddy bear anyway? God he does not even like me so what's the point?

What Sans did not know was that Dust and Nightmare had heard everything Sans had said and Dust was a purple blushing mess while Nightmare was singing in his head * I don't care, I ship it! I don't care, l ship it!* 

Dust * Why did l kiss him? OMG but he is so0o0o cute it's ridiculous. What should l do? ;internally screaming starts;

Sans sat down next to Dust and Nightmare who were awake. 

Sans: I guess l'll hide it for now he does not like me anyways. Right?

Dust: *I DO LIKE YOU!! I just need to prove it my self that l do really like you Sansy . You make everything better you really do~ *    

The Three that were still awake fell asleep after a few minutes. Everyone was in Dreamland Well everyone apart from Sans and Dust who were next to Nightmare because Nightmare gave them nightmares. 

 I have no fucking clue if that makes sense but everyone and anyone who is close to Nightmare has nightmare's okay?


Oh well. . . Sucks to be you  

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