Take a chill pill Dust

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( B.T.W This is in the mourning of the next day.  )

Ever since Dust found out that Sans was pregnant he's has been very protective of Sans. Very, very protective. One time Horror bumped into him, Horror did not hurt Sans but Dust did hurt Horror. Error let Sans mess with his strings and ended up getting tangled in them and Error had to slowly let him down while Dust was watching him like a cat would with a mouse. Red put mustard into Sans food for a small prank and ended up sleeping outside when Dust found out. Cross gave Sans some chocolate as a treat but it did not sit well with him and Sans ended up vomiting it back up as Dust nearly killed Cross. The only one who could go near Sans was Nightmare because he was stronger than Dust but Dust sent death glares at him every second. It got so bad that the four who Dust attacked started to avoid Sans and Dust altogether. (B.T.W that's everyone but Nightmare )

Even when Nightmare said that they all promised not to hurt Sans in way, Dust was still protective of Sans. Nightmare went to Sans to talk about this and hopefully put a stop to it. He know's that Dust is only concerned for both his mate and future children but there are fucking limits to this. Nightmare walk up to Sans's door and knocked on it three times waiting for an answer.

Sans: Who is it?

Nightmare: It's Nightmare, can I come in please?

Sans: Of course you can Nightmare!

Nightmare opened the door and saw Sans sitting on the bed reading a book. Dust was nowhere to be seen. There was a very light blue glow coming from his echo-stomach which held the small soul that was now two day's old.

Nightmare: *Dust must be getting something for Sans*

Sans: What's wrong Nightmare? You seem very annoyed.

Nightmare: Well Dust has been very. . .

Sans: Oh no, has he pulled a mean prank on you? 

Nightmare: No he has not.

Sans: Oh that's good. So what's wrong?

Nightmare: Dust has been very, very over protective of you to the point were he is hurting the others for bumping into you or leaving you to get tangled in Error's strings. The others have stopped trying to get near you because of him. He does not do that with me because I am stronger than him but he does it to the others because he thinks they hurt you.

Sans: Oh. . . Were is Dusty now?

Nightmare: I do not know.

Sans: Can you help me stand up? I still am sore from what Dust did.

Nightmare: Sure.

Nightmare walked over and grabbed Sans's hand and gently pulled him into a standing position. Sans was able to walk to the door with Nightmare gently holding his arm so he could not fall.

Sans: Were did you see him last?

Nightmare: I last saw him with you.

Sans: That did not help me in the slightest Nightmare.

Nightmare: Did you know that if you have Soul-Bonded with someone then you can tell were they are?

Sans: Wait, I can do that?

Nightmare: Yep, all you need to do is consecrate and you will get an image of were Dust is.

Sans: Wow! Okay, let me try.

Nightmare stood beside him as Sans's eyes closed then snapped open a few seconds later with star's in his eye's.

Sans: It worked Nightmare! Dust is in the kitchen making some sort of food! O.M.G I did not think that that would work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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