The plan and a little lemon.

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So Nightmare called everyone but Sans and Dust into a room to plan how to get the two lovers together and get their ship sailing. They decided on truth and dare and when Sans or Dust say's 'Dare' They know what to say to them. This will end badly... because they are evil those guys.

Cross: Dust, Sans we are playing Truth or Dare come on in here to play!

Dust and Sans walk throw the open door. Dust was not happy because he was about to kiss Sans and say what he was feeling but luck was not on his side today (Yet)

Dust: Why are we playing this?

Error: B3cUse W3 W8nt t0. N0w s1T Y0ur a33 D0Wn.

Dust: Fine. You are an ass, you know that right?

Nightmare: Excuse me but my ass is very fine thank you very much.

Dust: Cross would love to touch that "fine ass" of yours Nightmare. Even when your make-out session turns into sex.

Nightmare and Cross: '//////////////////////////////////////////'

Sans: What's that?

Killer: What's what?

Sans: Sex.

Everyone: what?

Sans: What is sex?

Dust: . . .. It's when two or more Humans or Monster's get together and . . . claim the other as theirs.

Sans:How do you "Claim another Monster"?

Nightmare: Let's just play the game. Truth or Dare Error?

Error: tRuTh.

Nightmare: Are you really a glitch?

Error: 1 Am n0t A gl1Tch! 1 Ju3t hAv3 Pix3ULexyA

Nightmare: -_- Ok.

Error: K1ll3r truth 0r DaR3?

Killer: Dare!

Error: 1 DaR3 y0u y0 k1ss H0rror.

Killer slid over to Horror and gave him a small kiss on the mouth.

Killer: Dust. Truth or Dare?

Dust: Dare.

Killer: I Dare you to spend 20 minutes in heaven with Sans.

Dust / Sans: What!?!?

Killer: You heard me. Now find a room and do it.

Dust pulled Sans to his feet and walked out of the room and down a long hallway for about 5 minutes to a sound-prof room where he open the door for Sans pushed him in and closed the door making sure to lock it.

Sans: Dust what are yo-mm!

Dust silenced Sans's question with a kiss. Dust used his echo-tongue to brush against Sans's teeth asking for an opening. Sans's allowed Dust tongue to enter his month and brush against his tongue. Dust guided Sans to the bed in the middle of the room and Sans fell onto it. Dust quickly pinned Sans to the bed and continued to kiss him. Dust slowly began to tack all of Sans's clothes off the get to the fun part. Sans allowed Dust to strip him of his clothes.

Dust: Female now.

Sans formed a female body following Dust's order. Dust began to rub San's sides and legs making Sans feel hot and he began to wiggle as if he needed something.

Dust: Nearly there Sansy just wait for it~

Dust continued to rub Sans and then his wondering found a little play area. His hands started to tease this area making Sans moan with pleasure and he wanted more of this strange but very good feeling. Sans rubbed back on Dust's hands and Dust did not give him what he wants so he asks for it.

Sans: D-dust p-please do m-more of t-that.

Dust: Just a little longer Sansy. Your nearly ready.

Dust continued to rub this area and he finally got what he wanted. Sans started to get wet. Dust slipped his head to this area and licked it. That sent Sans moaning loudly and his skull was a bright royal blue colour while Dust was a purple colour. Dust pushed his tongue into the warm fresh. Sans tasted very nice to him and Dust wanted more of this taste so he pulled his tongue out only to push in back and hoped to get more of the taste out of Sans, it worked. Sans was looking at Dust who was between his echo-fresh and was panting at what Dust was doing.

Sans: D-dust.

Dust: Your nearly there, just let go.

Sans felt that there was something coming down his organ and cried out as it came out of him and right into Dust's mouth were Dust swallowed it all.

Dust: You taste very good Sansy. Ready for the best part?

Sans could not answer him because he was in a daze that lasted until Dust started to push something else into him. He looked down at Dust and he was leaning over him and the tip his member was just in Sans.

Dust pushed more into Sans but he did not want to hurt Sans on his first time so he stopped. Only the head was in so far because Sans was too tight. Over a few seconds Sans relaxed enough for Dust to push in until he was nearly all the way in. Sans is a moaning mess and his arm's did not know what to do so they just lay there. Dust pulled Sans's leg's up into an angle so he would get a better lavage. Dust pulled out only to sink back in. Sans mewed loudly in pleasure at this and wanted Dust to continue this thing more.

Sans: M-move.

Dust: With pleasure Sansy.

Dust pulled out again to thrust back in at a faster pace. He went faster and faster until the bed started to move a little as well. Sans was moaning very loudly at this and Dust was moaning with him because of the heat and tightness of the Monster below him. Dust was so happy with this; He is finally getting what he wanted since Sans came here. He was claiming Sans/Classic and no-one was going to tack that away from him even if he had to kill them. Sans was now his and his along. Dust continued to pound into Sans with no mercy in sight. Sans let out a scream as he came over Dust's member and that liquid made Dust go even faster then before. Dust was nearing his own end so he went as far in as he can go and brushed that part that made Sans scream in pleasure again and let lose the flood gates and he watched in pleasure as Sans's echo-stomach filled with his seed. (B.T.W Sans does not have a womb formed so he is not going to be with child.) Dust panted along with Sans and slowly pulled his Member out of Sans's echo-hole.

Dust: You still with me love?

Sans: mm.... Yes, D-dust.

Dust smiled at his new mate below him. They still had 2 minutes left so Dust picked Sans up and walked to the bathroom and washed away the mess that was his doing, Dust had to carry Sans because he could not walk. Dust put Sans's clothing back on and carried Sans piggy back style back to the other's.

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