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Sans slowly awoke as the sun peeked throw the widow as he found that his mate had rapped his arms around him and was holding him with one arm around his back and another around his waist. He looked at his face and saw his mate was still asleep so Sans kissed him on the mouth to try and woke him up. Dust's eyes remained closed to sleep and to Sans his mate was still asleep but unknown to him Dust was awake and waiting to what his Mate's next move was. Sans sighed, and licked his mouth. Dust was still ''asleep'' Sans thought up a very evil trick.

Sans: Oh no, Dust is not awake I guess he can miss out on his mourning kisses then

Dust's eyes open and he kissed Sans and because his mouth was open Dust's tongue was exploring his mouth. A few seconds later he pulled away to see Sans blushing a royal blue colour across his face.

Dust: I would love those mourning kisses anytime Sansy~

Sans's face looked like a blueberry they way he was blushing. Dust laughed at his mate's face and kissed him again only to hear the sound of a photo being taken. Dust looked over to see Nightmare and Cross and the door with their phones out and were taking photo's.

Dust: Get out of our room you basted's!

Dust proceeded to jump out of bed and chase them out of the room. Sans went to follow his angry mate when he found out that last night's mating left him not able to walk well. Sans lifted himself up only to fall into a sitting position because his legs gave out on him. Sans sighed and tried to get up using his arms. He made it to the door before his legs gave out again. Error was watching the hole thing and before he could laugh at Sans's problem Sans blackmailed him

Sans: Don't you dare laugh or I'll show everyone what happened to you when you were drunk.

Error quickly walked away from the room and Sans just sat there waiting for Dust to come back.

2 minutes later-------------------------------------------

Dust: Sorry about tha- Why are you on the floor?

Sans: I can't walk from last night.

Dust: Sorry about that love but be happy you can even move.

Sans: That does not give me a bright future Dust.

Dust: Don't worry so much love, I promise to wait after your recovered to try that~

Sans: '///////////'

Dust: Now come on you have to get some food into you. I'll carry you to the kitchen.

Sans: T-thanks Dust.

Dust picked his mate up bridle style and began the walk to the kitchen. As Dust was walking Sans fell asleep in his arms and Dust nuzzled his neck lovingly as he walk into the kitchen and saw a huge food fight happening. The noise of this fight made Sans shift in his sleep. Food was flying everywhere on everything. Dust walked past this and headed to the lounge/T.V room so his mate can sleep. He walked over to a couch and gently placed Sans down and then walked to the others to have a word to them about the mess and the fact that nearly woke up his new mate.

*Insert Dust yelling at the rest of the group and then attacking them* 

Dust cuddled with an asleep Sans while watching a horror movie on the T.V

Dust: Oh come on. It's very easy for you to kill them just pick up the gun and blow their heads off. They are not going to fell it. You have to have a death wish.

Sans opened his eyes to sew a human getting eastern alive by zombies. Sans turn into Dust and hugged him hiding his face in Dust's neck making whimpering noises.

Dust: It's okay Sans. It's just a movie.

Sans: C-can you turn it off?

Dust: Sure, it's crap anyway.

Dust graded the remote and turned the horror movie and the T.V off and then tried to move Sans but his grip was to strong for Dust and he ended up laying down and hugged his new mate trying to calm him down because Sans was not okay.

1 minute later-------------------------------------

Dust: Have you calmed down from your panic attack?

Sans: Sorry it's just that reminded me of Papyrus when the human cut's his head off.

Dust: Oh l'm very sorry Sans about that. What can I do to have you forgive me?

Sans: I Just want to hear that you will very die on me.

Dust: Sans I promise that I will never die OR leave you. You know that I will keep that promise because I hate my promise's but I will always keep them okay?

Sans: Now stay here so can continue to hug you, you giant soft teddy bear.

Dust: T-teddy bear? '///////////////'

Sans softly smiled at him and then curled up in his arm's and gave Dust a kiss and closed his eyes falling asleep in his mate's are's more than happy for the feeling of Dust holding him and not letting go.

Dust: You are to cute for this would you know that right.

Dust kisses Sans on the mouth and doves off holding him tightly.

5 minutes later---------------------------------

*Insert the rest of the group waking up from Dust trying to kill them for the food fight*

Nightmare: Ow my head.

Error: ReM1Nd M3 t0 N3ver dO tHaT Aga1n.

Cross: Totally worth it.

Red: End my suffering please.

Killer: Why did Dust do that to ussss?

Horror: We nearly woke his New Mate.

*Insert "I ship it" face to all the group*

They all went into the lunge room to the sight of the two newest mates sleeping together.

Everyone: Nice

*They all take photo then get the fuck out of there*

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