W.T.F happened again?

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Error woke up around 3 PM with the biggest headache this side of the black stump. He was in hell. He could not remember why he was feeling this way and why the front of his face hurt like he was slammed into a wall. 

Error: WHy DoEs Thls HuRT 3o MuCh? Ow MY BeAuTifuL FaC3. ( ;D) OwWwwW WhT M3?

Cross was the second to wake up feeling the same headache but without the 'slammed-into-a-wall' face feeling.

Cross: Ow my head. What the hell happened Error? I can not remember last night ever well.

Error: WhY AR3 Y0u AsKIng M3?!

Cross: Well excuse me l was just asking you ass-hole.

Sans was the third to wake up and the looks on Cross's and Error's face's were priceless!

Sans: What's wrong?

Cross: What happened last night?

Sans: l'll tell when everyone wakes up.

2 hours later-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nightmare: Now that dust in awake. . .Finally. Can you tell us what the fuck happened last night.

After explanation ( l am lazy a.f today)-------------------------------------------------------------

Dust: So your telling us that we got drunk and did very stupid things. I kissed you, Error got stuck in his own stings, Nightmare tried to get him down and ended up singing "l came in like a wrecking ball" , Horror french kissed a kitchen knife while Cross was lying on his chest, Red was flung out of the room because he tried to take you away from dust?

Sans: Yes and don't ask about Killer because l do not know what he did but he somehow got inside the fridge and was eating cheese.

Nightmare: So why do l smell a ship sailing? Dussic

Sans and Dust: '////////////' No!!

Everyone one else: Ship it so hard. OwO.

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