chapter 4

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It was a Saturday and I had free time so I decided to check on my clubs. I just want to see if everything is running smoothly.

After checking on the last club in the city it was almost 10pm so I thought I'd just get a glass of whisky and go back to my house and rest

When I went to the bar area something or rather someone caught my eye. She looked breathtaking. Her caramel skin was definitely being showed off tonight she even let her long hair loose. I watched her order her drink; she's already so drunk, why is she ordering more?

"Ms Gallagher" I called out and it seemed to knock her back to her senses

When she finally found my eyes she looked taken back but she still smiled "We're not in your office; please call me Angelina" she asked

"Angelina" I practiced and it practically rolled off my tongue

"Good boy Mr Rosi" she clapped. She's so drunk.

I ordered my drink and gulped it all down instantly. "Fancy seeing you a club" I heard her say

I wanted to tell her I owned the club but decided against it. I just smiled at her and her drinks arrived. She was about to stand up with them but I could tell that she was struggling so I decided to help her.

"Let me carry those for you" I offered and she handed them to me. She walked off and I followed her. That's when her friends stopped dancing. I am their boss after all

"Guys look who I found!" Angelina chirped

"Oh Mr Rosi" they looked at me and then at each other

"I just found him at the bar or maybe he found minds kinda fuzzy right now so I'm jus-..." she was gonna start babbling again so I stopped her

"Well I'll leave you 3 to it. Enjoy the rest of your night" I tried being polite

"Oh you're leaving already? Let me get you a drink. Just follow me" Angelina said and I unwillingly followed her

"You really don't have to Angelina" I tried stopping her

"But I want to. Come on" I took the glass and drank the whiskey in one go.

"Well I should get going" I said standing up

"Already? One more drink" I knew she wouldn't let it go so I sat down with her

The night went on and she kept trying to get me drunk and it worked.

"You know you have a really deep Italian accent Mr Rosi" she voiced out

"Angelina we aren't in the office. You can call me Lorenzo" I said quoting her earlier words

"Lorrrenzo" she purred and my eyes focussed on her plump lips. Cazzo(fuck) what going on with me? Am I that drunk? "Did I sound Italian?" She questioned

"Say it again!" I commanded

"Lorrrrrenzo" she repeated and my pants started to feel tight. Shit

"Sei così caldo (you are so sexy)" I said and I know she didn't understand. She looked so confused

"What?...I don't understand" she said and once again my eyes were on her lips

"voglio che tu mi baci (I want you to kiss me)" I said hungrily

"Lorenzo you do this all the time; and I never understand what you're saying to me. You do this in the office and now you're doing it in the club. Where else are you planning on doing it huh? Because honestly it's rude" she kept speaking so I interrupted her

"Come here" I said and she just stared at me

"Angelina you know I don't like repeating myself, Come here!" She got off her chair

"O... okay but uh; only if you say please" she stuttered

"Dai (come on), you don't expect me to beg do you?" She just shrugged "I won't beg Angelina" she went back to her seat. You've got to be fucking kidding me

"It's my birthday you know...I've turned 25" she said proudly

"Well happy birthday Angelina, What would you like for your birthday?" I asked and took a swig of my drink.

"Well I'd like a raise" she said while laughing. Was she always this gorgeous?

"Don't I pay you enough?" I chuckled

"You do and I'm only joking with you" She hiccuped "You should try it sometimes"

"Try what?" I questioned

"Joking should try it. You could also try talking to me as a person and not just your employee. I've decided that's what I want for my birthday" she said happily

"Mmmhhh...I'll think about it Angelina" I said

"Do you want to dance?" She asked and I immediately shook my head no






"How about you go dance...without me. I don't dance"

"You're no fun" she huffed standing up and moved closer to me

"Now tell me Lorenzo!" She looked at me "why did you want me to come to you earlier?"

"Who's taking you home?" I asked her a question too

"Well my friends and I were gonna catch a taxi" she said looking around, I'm guessing for her friends "Why do you ask?"

"Do you think that's safe?" I questioned and she shrugged "I can take you home" I offered

"But you're drunk" she said confused

"I know that. I have a driver" I said and her lips formed an 'o' shape. Those lips look so inviting

"Do you have a boyfriend Angelina?" I asked

"No. I've never had one" she answered shyly. She seems almost embarrassed by her reply.

I moved my hands to her chin and pulled it up to make her look at me"So innocent" I said and cupped her face. Ieaned closer and whispered "So pure" I was so close to her lips...I could easily kiss her "so inviting" I said and I was about to kiss her when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. Ugh

I let go of Angelina and grabbed my phone. As soon as I answered the call I heard a loud voice
"Where are you Lorenzo?" Summer screamed through the phone which took Angelina and I by surprise

"You said you'd be back hours ago and Danny said he doesn't even know where you are. I have been worried sick, Stronzo(asshole)!"

"Well you can stop screaming because I'm fine"

"Lorenzo" she paused "are you drunk?"


"Wow! You were out drinking while I stayed up waiting for you to get back?ti odio(I hate you) you're the worst brother in the world" she said

"Ti amo(I love you) Summer" I said before she hung up.

"I should go find my friends. They're probably worried sick right now" so I'm guessing she knows what 'ti amo' means...she just doesn't know I was talking to my little sister and that's probably for the best. I almost kissed Ms Angelina. What was I thinking? She's just my P.A nothing more.

"I should also get won't need me to drive you?" I tried asking soberly

"No thank you...we'll manage"

"Well then enjoy the rest of your time Ms Gallagher" I said walking off and leaving her there. Thankfully my sister called at the right time...or else I would've done something that I would definitely regret when I wake up.

I manage to make my way to the car without stumbling and my driver takes me home.

"I'm home mother!" I say while knocking on my sister's bedroom door. She opens to give me 'the finger' and shuts it again. I chuckle and walk away. I need to rest immediately. I think to myself while yawning

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