chapter 10

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After spending the whole day with Penny; helping her and the house staff around with some cleaning and cooking I decided I wanted a tour of the house

" you mind showing me around the house?" I asked as I put away the last plate from the sink

"Sure, no problem" she stood up. Follow me

"Where do you wanna start?"

"What do you mean?"

"The West Wing or the East Wing?"

"The East Wing...I feel like I've seen most of the West Wing now"

"The East Wing it is mate" she teased...I didn't have the heart to tell her that Australians use the word 'mate'

After walking around for what felt like hours, I plopped myself on a nearby couch

"I'm so knackered(tired)" I breathed out

"I know but we have to leave this room. It's my brothers office and he doesn't like it when people are in here"

"...I can't stand up, I've been on my feet the whole day Summer"

"I know but just stand up and you'll rest next door, get up; let's go"

"Fiiinnneee" I stand up, and just when we were walking out Lorenzo was walking in

"Perfect timing" Summer whispered to me

"What were you two doing in my office?" He asked curiously

"We were looking for you actually" Summer lied

"Really?, what do you want?" He asked as if he knows she's lying

"W-well we uhh" she struggled

"We just wanted to check on you" I said. Why are we even lying?

He looked at me knowingly

"What are you two lying about?" He quizzes

"No we seriously wanted to check on you" Summer backed me up

"I know you're lying; but I'm doing just fine" he said as he set his things on his table.

"Are you sure?...because you look kind of stressed out Mr Rosi"

"That's none of your business Ms Gallagher" he sat down on his chair

"You're right" I said to him

"Well now that we know you're fine...we should get going Angie" Summer said and I walked out with her but a question popped up in my head

"Have you found an assistant to replace me?" I asked him and he groaned but still answered

"Not yet"

"You won't find anyone as good as me"

He smirked "You seem so sure" he said back

"Because I am"

"Okay you two...this has been enough socialising for a day; bye Lorenzo" Summer dragged me out of the room hurriedly

"Do you have any idea as to when I start training for this mafia thingie?"I asked summer once we were out of the office

"On Moday with Scott"

"Scott the bodyguard?" She nods "atleast I'm training with someone I know"

"I'm really sorry about this whole don't deserve any of this. I wish we met under different circumstances" she said

"You have nothing to apologize for...It really sucks that my life has basically flipped for what I think is the worst but I'm glad that I've got people like you and Penny to help me get through this"

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