chapter 15

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"I actually don't care" she lied

I know that she was probably taken back by my actions towards her yesterday

"Okay fine" I shrugged and headed towards the door...but of course she stopped me

"Okay...maybe I do want to know why you were all over me last night"

"I wasn't 'all over you'..."

"One more kiss; please...I'm begging you one more kiss Angel please; I'll die without your sweet kisses" she said while trying to sound Italian

"First of all; I don't sound like that, secondly; I wasn't begging you and lastly Angel your kisses were nothing but sweet...they were hungry"

"Excuuuse me?!"

"Forget I said anything" I put an end to that part of the topic "Now as I was saying...the reason I was acting out of character was because I was trying to make you comfortable"

" placed my hand on your member because you wanted to make me feel comfortable? kissed me because you wanted to make me feel comfortable?" She keeps going on and on "how very considerate of you Mr Rosi"

"Look...I don't have to be nice to you but I'm doing it because I owe you that much" she rolled her eyes...I hate how sexy she looks when she does that

"Why do you suddenly care about my comfort?"

"Because you're going to be living here longer than you anticipated"

"What do you mean?" She squints "Why is it that the bodyguards can go to their homes when they can but I can't?...I'm part of the mafia now just like they are!"she's starting to get angry...and I know that she's just going to get angier once I've given her the answer

"Well...there's no easy way to say this" I said "...but it's because you're not only part of the mafia but you're actually going to be my wife" I finished

She stared at me for a few seconds trying to take it in and out of nowhere she starts laughing. Not the response I was expecting but I prefer the laughter over her anger

"M-Me?" She asked while laughing "I'm going to be your wife?" She questioned and when her laughter started to cool down she asked:"why would anyone willingly want to be your wife?"

"I certainly don't want to get married but I'm doing this for your benefit?"

"My benefit?...wait are you serious about this marriage thing?"

"Yes...I'm serious" I said honestly

"Why?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes. She tried to wipe it away before I could see it but it was too late. I don't know why she pretends to be strong around me

"Like I said; it's for your benefit"

"Please enlighten me" she took a seat

"Once the word got out that an outsider was staying at this house; training to be part of the mafia, they weren't too...accepting" she looked at me with an expression that told me to go on "...and as you know; you're supposed to be dead right now for witnessing a killing done by the mafia"

"B-But you said if I'm part of the mafia...then that shouldn't matter"

"That's what I thought...but it's not that simple; I can't just make the rules up as I go"

"Yes you're the boss. Lorenzo you run everything don't you?"

"I know that but I don't have the authority to just make new rules...these rules have been existing for many generations and I can't just change them for one person"

"So you decided that marrying me is the best decision?" She seems hurt

"Yes...if you become my wife; you become untouchable. You're off limits to anyone and everyone...but me off course"

"So nobody would be trying to kill me?"


"So?...wait do I actually get a choice here?" She seemed genuinely shocked

"You's your life"

She looked at her hands thoughtfully for a moment "If I decline; I'll have my freedom, But I might die at the hands of the other mafias out there...Because I'll have no protection?" I nod my head

"...and if I accept; I no longer have any freedom; just protection and staying alive?"

"You'll have more freedom than you do now"

"How so?"

"You'll be able to see your family and friends and get some fresh air...but with strict supervision. You won't be able to go anywhere without the guards that I'll appoint for you"

"So that means I have freedom...but I don't" she said to herself

"Can my family know about your mafia?...I mean can I tell them?"

"Sure...I run the authorities remember?" I smirked

"Right" she face palmed "if I agree to marry you, will there be a wedding? And will my family and friends attend it?"

"Do you want a wedding?" I asked.

"I don't know. Do you?" She directed the question to me instead

"I honestly don't care much about it"

"Me too, Weddings are for celebrating...and we're certainly not celebrating" she says

"True" I said

"So how does marrying me help you?...because I know that you're not just doing this for my benefit"

"Well...with a wife by my side; I appear stronger than I already am. I will no longer be seen as a uhm...manwhore as you would put it. People will take me more seriously without me having to threaten them; the elders won't see me as a boy but rather a man...My parents have been nagging me to get married; so I'm giving them what they want...and the most important reason is so that older women won't try to hit on me anymore"

"They most certainly don't hit on you"

"They most certainly do"I said and she laughed

"It must be hard being you hey?...when the whole female population is trying to get in your pants" now it was my turn to chuckle

"You have no idea"

"You should smile're easier to like that way" she says

"I'll keep that in mind" I tried to smile but couldn't "Now...what do you say about my proposal?"

"This is not what I had in mind when I imagined a man proposing to me..
But I'll accept"

"Great...I'll discuss everything that needs to be discussed with you tomorrow" I said while standing up to leave "you've made the right decision" and I left the room. Vincent was still waiting outside the door; He gave me a nod and I walked into my office to carry on with my work. That was a rather interesting break

I heard footsteps and assumed that was Angelina and Vincent leaving this floor.

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