chapter 19

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The move to Lorenzo's room was quicker than expected, Too quick. I managed to spend three more days in my room before moving out

"Remind me again why I have to move today?" I asked Lorenzo

"...because we're married and we need to convince everyone that we're in love... couldn't breathe without being together...that stuff" he answered

"I understand that but why do I have to move TODAY...why not tomorrow so that I can enjoy my freedom for the last time"

"You can do whatever you want to do in this room...treat it like you're still in your old room" he shrugged "and parents are coming over to visit today... they're sleeping over"

"WHAT?" I'm not ready for all that "...and I'm guessing they have no idea about me being abducted"

"Si, So you better sharpen your acting skills and love me woman" ...was that a joke?

"Oh boy!" I exclaimed

"Have someone make sure that one guestroom is ready for them"

"I'll do it myself...and I'll pick a room as far away as possible so that they don't hear your screams when I kill you at night"

"...Okay" he dragged the 'o' "just get a housekeeper to clean the room...don't forget about the dinner and anything you might have to organize around here"

"Do you do anything yourself around here?...or do you ask the housekeeper to brush your teeth too?"

"Haha" he fake laughed "I certainly don't pay them to sit around and do nothing...they should be kissing my feet; thanking me for giving them a place to live and work"

"So arrogant" I shook my head
"Do you still go to your actual office or are you just always in this house?"

"I haven't been there for a while...I work from home"

"Why not?"

"...Someone has to keep an eye on you"

"I have guards for that Rosi...have you forgotten about the thousand guards you assigned to watch my every move?" He shrugged...and a thought came to my mind " on that note..." I started and he sighed

"What now?"

"Now that you have so graciously given me the Rosi name...I can fire the house staff right?"

"Yes...but why would you do that?"

"Well...I just have a few problems with them"

"Okay then"

"I'm firing some of the guards who follow me around...but it would be so unfair of me to deprive someone of having a job so I'll just assign them to someone else; someone"

"Angelina" he slumped on the sofa that's in his bedroom...I mean our bedroom "You can't do that...the guards work for me not you; you can fire them"


"No; you can have as much authority as you want with the house staff...but not the guards, they are here for a reason"

"Lorenzo what could possibly happen to the house?"

"You'd be surprised"

"But I'm sure you can agree that I don't need five guards following me around at all times in the house...right?"

"If it's that much of an issue...I'll ask them to be a little discreet so that you're comfortable in your own home"

"You're so impossible" I said as I stretched on my new bed

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