chapter 14

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It was Monday and to say I was annoyed that I woke up early would be a lie. I was more than angry. I was seeing red

I had barely slept a wink when I was rudely woken up with cold water at 4a.m by Scott. He is taking this a little too seriously.

By the time we finished our training session, everything in my body hurt.
We were walking out of the gym room and he was telling me what we'd be doing tomorrow.

"Why would I need to know how to protect myself from a tiger?"

"Being in the mafia; you'll find yourself in many situations"

"...but staying away from the tiger is all the protection I need"

"You're so difficult, but I've got to give it to were surprisingly good in there"

"Everything hurts" I complained "take it easy on me tomorrow"

"You should go and take a cold shower, it will relieve the pain"

"Okay...bye Scott" I said when we went our separate ways; me to my room and him to wherever he's going.


After taking my shower I sat on my bed just contemplating for a few minutes. Why is it that the guards are allowed to still see their families but I can't? I mean...haven't I proven that I'm not planning on running away (...because there's guards everywhere)

After asking myself many unanswered questions, I decided to go outside; to the garden.

The weather was warm today, The Sun lighting up the sky; giving the stars some rest, The wind is waiting somewhere quietly and patiently for it's time of music; it's moment to whistle and sing

It would be absurd of me not to want to enjoy the little that I could actually enjoy.

What could be better than sitting under the sun while reading a book?...freedom

...but that's unfortunately out of the question.

Once I got out of my room, Vince accompanied(followed) me to the 'mini library' I saw the other day.

"So how did the Boss punish you for sneaking off to the club yesterday?" Vince asked while I tried to pick a book for me to read

Before I could answer; we heard Lorenzo speak as he stood at the door; observing

"I strangled her" he stated and Vincent instantly stood up straight "What are you two doing in here?" He asked "Vincent; I don't pay you to chat" he said calmly

"My apologies boss, it won't happen again" he said subserviently; making me roll my eyes

"Vincent Give us a minute!" Lorenzo moved further into the room

Vincent bowed his head and walked out. He closed the door behind him

"Well hello Mr Rosi" I greeted while still looking for a good book

"We're back to that again?...what happened to calling me Lorenzo"

"That went out the door as soon as you called me Gertrude"

"Oh grow up...that's your name you should embrace it" I ignored him

"Why did you come in here Mr Rosi"

"This is my house afterall...but to answer your question; I came in here because you and Vincent were being rather loud. I couldn't focus in my office which is next door by the I decided to politely come and tell you both to keep it down or leave this floor"

"Hmm" I said; not caring about what he said and picked out a book that caught my eye

I've kept Vince waiting for too long so as soon as I found an interesting book; I headed out the room where Vince was waiting

"Well next time, just try keeping your office door closed and don't listen in on other people's business" I said boldly. I'm no longer afraid of Lorenzo, I've noticed that the fear he was/is instilling in me is solely so that he feeds his ego and if that's the case...I'm going to starve him.

"Watch your smart mouth Angel!"

"I'm not scared of your empty threats" I say while walking past him and he grabbed my hand roughly "Mr Rosi, I throw myself from heights that I used to fear...I fear nothing and especially not you"

He looks me in the eyes as if examining my features in order to detect a bluff; but I'm not lying.

"Angel; I'm going to tell you this once and one time only!" He lets go of my hand "I have access to your family members"

"Yeah right!" I know he doesn't

"...Even the ones in Africa. Your mom is originally from Africa isn't she?" he smirked "her family seems so happy right now"

"How do you know that?"

"I know everything there is to know about everything" he said matter of factly "Don't force me to do something...unnecessary" he says while walking over to the nearby chair in the room "Watch your mouth"

"That's all you know how to threaten innocent people...because you're bored. I'm stuck in this hell hole only because you asked me to bring you a stupid file...after hours; so selfish of you" I said with tears threatening to pour out like a waterfall

"Mr Rosi even the devil has nightmares about you...but I don't; your evil ways no longer scare me." I felt a tear roll down my left cheek and I immedietly wiped it away. I can't let him win

"Why don't you just kill me?" I questioned "spare me the theatrics"

"You want me to kill you?"

"Death would be far more pleasant than living in the same house as someone who is constantly trying to assert his superiority through dishing out threats"

"I can tell that you've been meaning to get that off your chest for a while now" he smirked "It's just a pity that people's opinion of me doesn't matter"

"Do you hear yourself when you speak?" I asked him..."you are a megalomaniac"

"That's because I am indeed powerful"

"So you automatically assume dominance over people's lives?" I question " what gives you the authority?"

"...not once did I lay claim over anyone. It's them that sell their souls to the devil...they wanted to be where they are"

"So are you trying to tell me that I'm here...because I wanted to?"

"Not necessarily; I'll take accountability over your situation...but" he looked me in the eyes "I'm trying by all means to make sure that you stay alive"

"And I suppose I'm supposed to thank you for that?"

"I'm not asking you to applaud me...but I want you to understand that I'm not the bad guy in your story; contrary to what you may believe"

"Hmm" I hummed..."What you're saying is true; but I don't want to accept it because...I wouldn't be stuck here if it wasn't because of you"

"Fair enough" was all he said and I took that as an opportunity to get out

"Wait Angelina!...I suppose you're wondering why I did what I did yesterday" I stared at him expectantly "I'm sure you're wondering why I was acting that way"

"I actually don't care" I lied

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