chapter 30

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"Lorenzo I promise you...I'm fine" I try to assure him

"I'll have the doctor examine you again...just incase she missed something; Mrs. Anderson is getting old" he spoke mainly to himself

"Lorenzo you're starting to annoy me now...I have a few scratches and Mrs. Anderson already confirmed three times that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me"

"Are you sure?" He asked in a worried tone... I've never seen him like this. He has been asking me the very same questions for the past three days now. I'm really fine...just in shock more than anything.

"It's been three days since the incident and you still haven't told me what's going've kept me hidden in our room for three days. I just want to get out of this house and relax for a bit...with you" I looked into his eyes as my head laid on his lap"just you and I" I add while he massages my head

"You're right...where do you want to go?"

"We can go to a Spa..." I suggest

"Nah...count me out" He says quickly "how about a shooting range?" He smiles

"I don't think that's a good idea...considering that I shot three people a few days ago"

"What happened three days ago...was entirely my fault" he says somewhat sadly "I put you in that position"

"Don't think like that" I scolded him "how could you have known that those people were going to find the safe room?"

"I should've known" he says and breaks eye contact

"Stop blaming yourself" I sit up "...but I do want to know what happened" I tell him sternly

"I suppose I should tell you...there's no harm in that"

"Just let it out..." I take hold of his left hand and hold it in mine assuringly

" the people who were here were members of the Irish Mafia" he starts "which has been rival's of the Italian Mafia for so many years...even before I became the Don of the Italian Mafia" he says

"So does this happen alot?" I ask him

"It did...but that stopped three years ago after the Irish Boss and I sat down and called for a cease fire. I have many enemies but the Irish Mafia and I are no longer enemies"

"So...why were they here?"

"Well that's where it gets a little confusing" he says and I can see him getting a little uncomfortable " The Irish gang wasn't here alone...they were here with some of the amateur Italian gang members"

"What do they want?" I question and he looks down pretending not to hear my question "Lorenzo..."

"They wanted to find you" he blurts out catching me off guard

"M-me?" I stutter "Why me?" I ask on the verge of tears

"We haven't received that information yet"

"Lorenzo are you sure they wanted me?...why would they want me?... I have nothing to do with them" I let a lone tear roll down

"This is why I didn't want to tell you" he says as he wipes my tear away "This is why I'm saying this is all my fault"


"My guess is that they're trying to get to me through you...whoever 'they' are"

"...because I'm your wife" I breath out

"Yes...this is why I'm always insisting that you all stay with bodyguards every second of the day" he cups my cheek and I nod solemly "this will not happen again" he adds and he seemed to be assuring himself more than me

"Okay...Now what are we going to do?"

"We?" He asks sarcastically

"Come on...we're a team now" I reason

"Not in this case; it's not safe...but before I answer your question I have a confession to make" he smiles nervously "...and you have to promise that you won't get mad"

"I am not going to promise you that but I will try" I say...ready to explode on him for whatever comes out of his mouth

"So" he starts "one of the idiots that were here left a flash drive...anyways  the guys that work in my I.T department are failing to access the stupid flash drive have got to understand that my hands were tied...I-called-your-brother-Austin-to-come-and-help-me-and-he-agreed-so-I-flew-him-out-to-Italy-and-right-now-he-is-in-the-mafia-headquarters" he rushed the words out

I tried to process what he was saying in my head and all I could see was red.

"Did you just say my little brother Austin? youngest sibling?" I stand up and Lorenzo eyes me carefully "Did I not fucking ask you Lorenzo to not involve Austin in this mafia bullshit even though he is one of the greatest at this I.T thing?" I started pacing the room "are you trying to upset me?"

"I am really sorry" he said standing up from the bed

"If you were so would not have even called him here. Lorenzo he is young. He has his whole life ahead of him. I don't want him getting mixed up with this dangerous world"

"I've made a terrible mistake, I understand...and I know I should've spoken to you first" he walks closer to me "...but I promise you that as soon as he's done, I'll send him home with all that he desires" he slowly and softly grabbed my hands "and besides...I made sure that he and his girlfriend are safe and hidden. I'm the only one...and you of course who knows that they're in Italy"

"He brought his girfriend?" I question...all of a sudden excited of him being here

"Yes...his girlfriend is here too" he smiles slightly realizing that he has managed to interest me something else

"Lorenzo I have to meet her" I say as I hurry into the closet to find my shoes

"Let's go" I drag him out of the room "I'm not taking no for an answer and I promise I won't disturb him while he works"

"Yeah right" he says under his breath but I heard him

"I promise" I say and I hear him sigh.

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