chapter 20

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"Funny how we only meet your husband after you've gotten married" Austin said with his head still focused on his phone

"It's very strange" Ariana said "We know nothing about him"

"You can get to know him now...ask him anything you want to ask" I told them

"We haven't even met his family" mom sighs

"My parents are actually coming over tonight...this would be the perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know each other" Lorenzo said

" take us to our rooms Lina I'm knackered" she handed her bags over to dad "...and what's with all these guards; what could you possibly need a hundred of them for?" She asked as she and dad followed me up the stairs

"For safety mom" I said as I took hold of her hand and gently squeezed it "I'm sure you want your favourite daughter to stay protected right?"

She smiled and nodded her head as we continued walking

"To be honest darling... I didn't expect you to get married before your other siblings" dad said as we walked into a guest room which thankfully was spotless and clean

"I'm full of surprises" I chuckled dryly

"You'd tell me if you were unhappy right?" Dad asked seriously

"Of course I would tell you pops" I wish I could tell you everything

"...great now get out so your mother and I can rest" he gently pushed me out the door

"See you later darling" mom said from the bed and dad closed the door

When I found my siblings they were chatting it up with Lorenzo in the kitchen. Aurora was already with them

"Lina this house is huge" Ariana said with her mouth full of chocolate

"Yeh...follow me so I can take you to your rooms" I don't want them to get too acquainted with Lorenzo

"Ookkkaaaayyy" Aurora dragged "...are you okay?"

"Of course I am" I half lied

"You'd tell us if something was wrong right?" Ariana asked and I subconsciously looked at Lorenzo

"You would be the first people I told if I wasn't okay" this sucks "now follow me guys...I'm sure you're tired"

"Aye got a computer I could use?" Austin asked Lorenzo

"Yes sure...I'll have it put in your room" I hate how fake he is being right now...he is never this nice and if he touches me one more time; I'm going to explode

"Let's go yous" I told them and luckily they actually followed me

I put them in their individual rooms and gave them their privacy

I also made sure that the Rosi's had a clean room

I then went to the kitchen in search of Penny and unfortunately she wasn't there...I'm sure she's in her room so I'll let her rest. I informed one of the cooks on what to prepare for dinner and about the number of people who will be present tonight.

I grabbed a few snacks and went upstairs to my new room. Unfortunately Lorenzo was in the room

He was sat quietly on the couch with his laptop. He didn't bother to look up from it when I walked in.

I took my book out and went out to the balcony because I didn't want to disturb him with my loud snacking

"It's cold outside" he said without looking at me

"I'll just take a blanket" I said while taking one

When I finished my book I was so overwhelmed with the sad ending that I started to tear up. The child ends up dying because of the cancer.

"Why are you crying?" Lorenzo spoke up from the balcony door

"I'm not crying" I lied

"I can see the tears Angel"

"Its just so chilly out eyes are starting to water"

"Sure" he said as he walked up to me to examine my face "maybe you should go back might catch a cold"

"Yes okay...I'll be inside as soon as I finish my snacks"

"You can finish them inside"

"Well I don't want to go inside right now"

"You're going inside; stand up" he ordered and I opened a chocolate slab "stand up or I'll pick you up" he said as he walked even closer to me

"I don't get what the big deal is; I have a blanket"

"Get up!" He asked again and I actually stood up...not because I was being submissive to him but because I didn't want him to pick me up

When I got inside our bedroom it was so much warmer...I should've listened to him sooner

Just as I got comfortable on the bed Austin barged into the room frightening me in the process

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he didn't answer...he just stared at Lorenzo

"We need to talk" Austin said and Lorenzo walked towards the door so he could leave but Austin stopped him "I need to talk to both of you"

"Okay...make it fast I've got work to do" Lorenzo said as he sat down on the edge of the bed

"You're starting to worry me" I told Austin honestly

"So I did a background check on your husband..."

"Why would you do that?" I asked him

"Because that's just what I do" he answered honestly "when I did the check he came out squeaky clean"

"So what's the problem?" I asked as I looked over at Lorenzo who looked way too calm

"Let me finish...I then decided to hack into his accounts"

"I found some very questionable information and I don't want to bore you with the details but he's involved in some illegal activity"

"So that was you?" Lorenzo asked with a smirk "I almost had you killed"


"I thought you were some loser that was trying to steal from me"

"Who are you?"Austin asked angrily

"I'm Lorenzo Rosi; your brother in law" he smirked "...but I'm almost certain that the answer you were looking for was that I'm a mafia boss"

"I knew it" Austin snarled "Angelina why aren't you surprised?" He asked me


"You knew?" He asked and I hung my head in shame "Do you have any idea what this will do to mom and dad?"

"I know Austin but I had my reasons"

"Please don't tell me that it's because you love him...Don't lie to me"

I looked over at Lorenzo and he gave me a nod, indicating that I should explain to Austin.

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