chapter 28

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(3 months later)

"Lorenzo you seriously need to get up or we'll be late for work again" I whined "and you know I hate it when we're late because everybody assumes that it's my fault"

"Why do you care about what they think again?" He asked as he got out of bed

"Because...I...I just do" not really having a reason

"Right!" He said with a hint of sarcasm "You look even better today" he said and spanked my butt "Who are you looking good for?" He smirked as he walked into the bathroom

"Certainly not you" I said honestly...I'm dressing up literally just for myself; for my energy...because my closet choice always sets the mood for what kind of day I'm going to have

"You've bruised me" he said dramatically and I knew he was faking

"Just hurry up in there" I called out and I heard the shower water running

Ever since the kiss we had three months ago Lorenzo and I have gotten a lot more comfortable around each other. We are not in an actual relationship...even though we're married.

We occasionally have our moments when we sort of forget that we're not really together...whenever our families visit we have to constantly be proving to them that we're 'madly in love'. With all the affection we have to show each other in their presence...I've got to admit that I sometimes get confused between the real and the fake.

My days revolve around him. I wake up to his face every morning...and spend most of my day with him. I've grown to understand and accept him as a person; I know that I can't really look past the fact that he has murdered people but he's constantly assuring me that there are valid reasons as to why he kills them... I want to believe him, I really do but I can't just believe anything and everything that comes out of his mouth.

I'm always asking him to involve me in his mafia dealings but he always shuts me out when I bring that up. I mean...why can't he understand that when I know what he gets up to when he's busy being a mafia boss then maybe I'll understand why he kills people? He's so hard headed and stubborn...but that's one of the things I like about him

...yes I like him; alot actually. You can't seriously expect me to live with a man that hot and not fall in love with him.

Wait did I say love?... well I'm not too sure about that because I don't really know what love is. I know love for family and friends, love of a song or movie but I know nothing about love for your husband or boyfriend...I've never experienced that.

I know that he probably doesn't feel the way that I feel for him.

So we can definitely cross love out.

"Lorenzo I'm going down for breakfast okay?!" I shout out when I finished fixing my hair

"Okay Gertrude" he said and I could hear his stupid smile

He calls me by my middle name when he's trying to annoy me.

When we got to work we immediately dropped the playfulness and became somewhat professional... well I did; Lorenzo on the other hand became his mean, terrorising self.

"Mrs. Rosi will you please join me in my office" I heard Lorenzo speak from his office door

"Why? You should be going to your maf-..." I stopped myself and looked around to find no one but I still didn't want to use the word 'mafia' "You should be going to your last meeting of the day now"

"It's urgent Angelina" he borderline whines

"Fine" I stand up from my desk rolling my eyes

When I got to his office he made me close the door which made me a little suspicious about what he wanted to discuss.

I stood by the door and he stood about three feet from me.

"Well?..." I started

"I called you in here because...I wanted a kiss from my wife before this meeting" he smiled slightly

"No" I say which makes him frown...he is such a big baby. I roll my eyes

"Why not?" He questions as he walks closer to me "most husbands don't even have to ask for their wife's permission before they kiss"

"Lorenzo we've already talked about this... you and I aren't in an actual marriage. This marriage was arranged by you, I was basically forced into this marriage"

"Angelina" he sighs "Why do you have to make things so difficult for me... I know you like me" he says and my eyes snap at him due to shock "Yes I know you like me; I see the way you act around me... and as shocking as it sounds I've taken note of how your eyes light up whenever I return from a mafia 'meeting'... I know you care for me Angel but what I don't understand is why you're holding back so much" he says and his eyes are telling me of an emotion I know not of

"Well I didn't know that I was that obvious" I scoff and break eye contact by looking away

"An open book" he adds and picks my chin up so that I'm looking at him

"Well since you're such a closed book; I don't really know how you feel about you even like me?" I ask and his eyebrows crease

"Do I like you?" He repeats "haven't I already made that clear to you? Angelina you drive me crazy, you don't even have to do anything for me to pay attention. I've never felt the need to make anyone smile or laugh...but I'm always trying with you. What I feel for you; I've honestly never felt for any other female. I think all this romantic shit is cheesy but I will gladly be romantic for you... I'll buy you flowers and chocolate everyday if I have to Angelina"

"That's so cheesy" I comment and force myself to stop smiling like an idiot

"...but it's making you blush" he adds with a small smile

"So you do like me right?...I mean you're not just saying this so that I can kiss you?"

"No I'm not just saying this so that you can kiss me" he gives me a panty dropping smile "I really like you"

Excitement courses through my body and I pull him in for a kiss. A passionate kiss. This kiss feels like it has purpose. Like Lorenzo and I both had something to prove... this kiss felt like a promise of some sort.

I pull away from him "So does this mean that we're dating?"

"Sure" he says and pulls me back in for the kiss. He wraps his right arm around my waist to pick me up and my legs wrap around his waist almost automatically. He walks to his table and sets me down and pulls away from the kiss.
"...but I do have to admit that I've never been in a 'real' relationship"

"Me too...but you've got to promise me that you won't be flirting or inserting your member in anyone's body" I say seriously and he sighs

"That can't really still be in question though...Angel I've been keeping my body parts away from everyone. My hands only caress you. I promise"

"Good...I'm sure we'll figure this 'dating' thing out"

"Yes; It can't be that hard...we've been married for a few months now so I'm sure we can do this"


I've got high hopes for them...It's about time they told each other how they felt.

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