chapter 40

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"Lorenzo I get that you're trying to protect us but...we're all hungry and I'm trying to finish cooking. I can't finish cooking if you keep holding me"

"I'm sorry I just...I just don't want you to leave me again" he says as he sits down next to the twins and picks Stephano and Stephanie up. Bambolina starts jumping around Lorenzo's feet "I just got you guys back" he says as he kisses Stephano's forehead. He was about to kiss Stephanies forehead but she pushed his lips away from her...sassy little girl

"We're not going anywhere without letting you know now"

"Does Daddy want to cwy?" Stephanie asks as she studies Lorenzo's face "he looks sad"

"Yes; Daddy is actually a cry should hug him as tight as possible" I tell them both and surprisingly even Stephanie hugs him. She low-key likes Lorenzo and I'm pretty sure this is how Lorenzo acted when he was a child too.

I stopped everything I was doing and switched the stovetop off when we heard the's not the guards because they never come into the main house, they use their provided cellulars if they need to communicate with with Lorenzo

Lorenzo put the kids down and watched us run upstairs with Bambolina

He opened the door and I heard multiple familiar voices. The voices belonged to Summer, Lauren and...Robert.

I have to go...I silently packed all of our clothes and closed our bedroom door.

I hope they don't realise that Lorenzo has any guests

I heard two pairs of footsteps coming upstairs and my first instinct was to hold my children close to me. I opened the closet doors so that we could all hide in there.

"You're such an embarrassment Lauren...I told you never to bring up that girl ever again. She is out of Lorenzo's life and she should stay out" Robert whispered but I heard him clearly

"I'm sorry...I di-..." came Laurens voice but her sentence was interrupted by a sudden thud... did he just punch her "Robert mi dispiace(I'm sorry)" she started weeping

"Weak excuse of a woman" he spat and I heard footsteps walking away.

How long has he been doing this to Lauren?... How much longer am I going to let him govern me?

Feeling a rush of anger I place the twins on the bed and let Bambolina follow me out of the room

I walked out to find Summer trying to calm Lauren down. I cleared my throat to get their attention

Lauren quickly wiped her tears away and Summer straightened out her clothing "Gesù" Lauren gasped with a wide smile "I haven't seen you in so look so gorgeous; How have you been my dear?"

I looked around the hallway and gestured for them to come into the bedroom

"You don't have to act strong in front of me...but I do want you to be strong enough to stand up to Robert. Please take back your power" was the first thing I said once they entered the bedroom

I gave Lauren and Summer a hug and let them cry on my shoulder. I then let them meet the twins. Apparently they're in America because Robert found out that Lorenzo was in America so he followed him here...obsessive much?

We all went downstairs so that I could continue cooking. Lorenzo watched me cook the whole time. He kept saying that I've been acting weird ever since his family arrived. I tried really hard to smile and act like Roberts presence in the house did not affect me but it consumed my thoughts and actions.

Robert came down once dinner was ready and that's when he saw me for the first time in three years

"Oh...Angelina" he looked me up and down and then his attention was turned to my babies who were in Lorenzo's lap and then to Bambolina who started barking uncontrollably at Robert.

Act cool Angelina. Keep calm. He won't touch you if Lorenzo is here. You're safe.

"Robert" I said under my breath

Lauren and Summer acted occupied with setting the table.

"You can take a seat...dinner is ready"

His face contours and but still sits down. "Who are they?" Robert asks as he stares at the twins

"Father" Lorenzo smiles "They are mine and Angelina's children. Stephanie and Stephano"

"What?" He raises from his seat

"Calm down father. I also didn't know of their existence up until very recently; thanks to Summer" Lorenzo says

Robert clears his throat and sits back down "Well they look exactly like you son" he comments as I finish dishing up on everyone's plate

"Lo so-(I know)... but thankfully they have their mother's brown eyes"

"Will you manage to eat with the babies on your lap?" I ask Lorenzo as I sit next to him

"Of course" he says as he shares his food with the babies

The dinner was too quiet, It was too quiet. Robert went upstairs as soon as he finished his food.

Thank God.

Lorenzo and I stayed downstairs a little bit longer playing with the twins

"Daddy I don't wike Gampa Wobert" Stephano said when Lorenzo placed him on the bed next to Stephanie

"Why not buddy?"Lorenzo asked
I stood by the door just secretly watching them...that's not creepy at all

"Because he doesn't wike mommy"Stephano replied with a yawn

"That's not true big should get some rest"

If the children can see past Roberts facade...why can't Lorenzo see Roberts true colours

"Goo night daddy. You need to say goo night to mommy too"

Lorenzo smiles and kisses him on his forehead "okay...goodnight kid"
He walks over to the other side of the bed and kisses Stephanie on her cheek

He walks out and switches the lights off

"Have you been standing out here the whole time?" He asks as he kisses me on the cheek

"No I just got here" I lied "...listen Lorenzo; I don't feel comfortable leaving the kids here alone. I have to sleep in their room"

"Don't worry about anything Angel" Lorenzo says "...besides we have camera's in every single room in the house" he whispered "and did you forget about the baby monitors you made me install this morning this morning"

"Okay...I'm just a little paranoid" I confess

"I understand Angel" he said as he picked me up and carried me to our bedroom

"The twins really like you" I comment once he pulls me in for a cuddle

"They are going to break hearts one day" he chuckles

I hold him closer to me "promise me that you will always protect our children in case something happens to me"

"Don't talk like that Angelina"

"And keep them far away from the mafia business"

"Don't speak like you're not going to be part of their future" he said sternly.

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