chapter 6

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When I woke; I was blinded by the light coming through the windows so I sat up and took in my surroundings. 'Where am I?' I wonder

The room I'm in is nothing short of amazing. It's elegant; designed perfectly and HUGE. The bed I'm on is basically the bed in my apartment...TIMES TW0. I know I'm not supposed to like this room but WOW!

I stood up and walked over to the door. It's locked
'BANG; BANG; BANG' I banged on the door "Hello; is anyone there?" 'BANG; BANG; BANG' "Where am I?" I yelled. Nobody answered

"Can someone please let me out of here!" I yelled "PLEASE!" Yet again nobody answered
I kept banging on the door until someone open. As soon as the door opened my eyes went to the lady that just walked in. She had a tray of food with her and she bent down and placed it next to me with a warm smile. She looked to be my age.

"Hello Ms Gallagher. I'm Penny" she said

"Hi" I replied "Where am I Penny?"

"You're in Mr Rosi's home"

"And I'm guessing I can't leave huh?"

Before she could answer, someone walked in"unfortunately I can't let you leave Ms Gallagher" I heard the devil say

"Listen Lorenzo. This is unprofessional" I turned to look at him "please; please just let me go I...I promise I won't tell anybody" I looked at his eyes "please I promise" he looks at me blankly...obviously doesn't believe me...infact I don't even believe myself "I didn't see anything happen" I continued

"Ms Gallagher..." he said walking closer to me. Why is he coming closer? Bollocks.

"Yes?" I whispered and that's when Penny stood up and left. She's leaving me to die

"You'll be a good little girl and listen to me won't you?" He asked with the most evil smirk I've ever come across. Instead of answering I just stared at him
"Won't you Angel?" He asked tauntingly as he moved his hand to his waist. To reveal his gun

"Ye- yes" I nod

"If I let you go; I risk you going to the cops and blabbering like you always do"

"I won't I promise" I tried to reassure him "you can trust me"

"I don't trust you" he said matter of factly "Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with you" he said rubbing his chin thoughtfully

"What do you mean?" I asked "Do you plan on ki-killing me? Mr Rosi please don't" I was begging at this point

"You don't have to worry about that" he said "I'll deal with you accordingly. I won't kill you; yet" that doesn't make me feel any better "In the meantime you'll be staying here. I have assigned bodyguards to watch your every move. If you need anything; Penny will be there to assist you" he said moving away from me and towards the door; presumably to leave

"What about my family, my friends? Huh?" He stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me "what about my clothes, my phone, my uhh belongings in general and Mr Rosi what about my life?" By now I was pacing around the room. He was about to speak but I continued "Or is Penny supposed to help me with that too?"

"Are you done?" He asked and I just looked him in the eyes "I've dealt with your family and friends" I interrupted him

"Dealt with them how?!" I asked with tears forming in my eyes "What did you do to them?" I whispered

"I just spoke to them and told them that you were going to be busy for a few months"

"A few months!?!?" I interrupted him again "How long do you plan on Keeping me here?!...someone will get suspicious Mr Rosi and they'll find me"

"Angel I've been very patient with you. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop interrupting me. You know I hate that" I gulped and looked down "Nobody is going to find you; unless I want them to, you also won't be able to escape" he said looking directly into my eyes "Now as I was saying earlier; before I was so rudely interrupted. You will receive all your belongings but your phone" I rolled my eyes "As for your life. That belongs to me from now on" I thought of interrupting him again but decided against it. "And like I said; if you need anything else Penny will assist you"
He finished talking. He's got this all figured out, there's no hope for me. I'm doomed.

Without another word he left the room. I lazily walked over to the bed to lay down. My life is over. Over at the age of 25. He selfishly took my life from me. I've officially lost my family and my friends... my thoughts were interrupted by Penny walking in. She took small and calculated steps towards me. This time I studied her appearance. Her milky skin is hiding under her house workers uniform. Her hair kept in a messy bun. Her rosy cheeks hard not to notice. She's beautiful.

"Ms Gallagher..." she called out and that's when I noticed that I was staring at her

"Please call me Angelina" I encouraged her

"Oh okay...Angelina I think it would be best for you to eat your food and take a shower so you can relax" as if it was listening my stomach grumbled in agreement; Sign of approval. I smiled sheepishly

" I allowed to leave this room?" I enquired

"Yes...but only if you have company so that they can keep an eye on you" I nodded my head and began eating the now cold bacon and eggs.

Penny stood up and left the room. A few seconds later I heard the door getting locked. These bastards are seriously locking me in here

After finishing my breakfast I took a shower and got changed into the clothing that was in the closet. They surprisingly fit me like a glove. I decided on wearing grey fuzzy's not like I have any plans for the day

After getting dressed I went to bed so that I could lay down and as soon as my head hit the pillow I started crying like a baby. I sobbed until the pillow was damp. My life is over, I don't even think that I'm going to see my family again.

All I wanted was to start a new life in Italy. To live independently and provide for myself.Everything was starting to work out well for me... But instead; I ended up working for a murderer.
What have I done to become so unlucky? I don't deserve this!

Now I'm a prisoner in a murderers house. Just yesterday I had a family and friends but most importantly I had a life of my own...and now it belongs to Lorenzo Rosi. I hate that man. I know that 'Hate' is a strong word but it's still not strong enough for the way I feel about him at this point. He's the devil's son; A weak excuse of a man.

I need to find a way out of here; I need to get my life back. Soon...but how? I can't even escape this place

I don't know how but I have to leave this place. As soon as I'm out; I'm going to the authorities.

He seems like he was trained to kill.
How many lives has he taken? I wonder
I don't know the answer to this question but I know that he has to be punished for killing Leonardo as well as kidnapping me.

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