chapter 27

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"We haven't seen Mr. Rosi at work for a while and now we know that you're the one that's been keeping him busy"

"Him not going to work has absolutely nothing to do with me...he just works from home"

"When are you coming back to work?"

"Soon" I beamed

"Does Mr. Rosi have any brothers?" Samantha asked "...because I want that glow too" I chuckled at what she said then answered

"Yes he does have brothers" I said and her smile grew "...but they're all married and the youngest brother is sort of mingling with another friend of mine" her smile dropped and she pursed her lips

"But one of my guards however is very single...he also has a lot of pent up energy" I said referring to Scott "he claims he wants to stay single and focus on his job...but I know that deep down he is lonely"

"If he's your bodyguard then I know that he's got a ton of meat that I can hold onto"

"He is built well" I assure her

"Why do you guys need bodyguards again?" Sammie asked and my breath hitched in my throat "I've always seen Mr. Rosi with a guard but never knew why"

"It's for our protection" I said the first thing that popped into my head

"Protection from what?" She asked and my phone rang. Saved by the call

I answered and then came Lorenzo's angry tone

"Angelina I swear to the Almighty that if you're there with a male...I'm going to kill him. I told you to go home not there" I stood up from the couch with a fake smile and walked away from Sammie

"Oh hey...babe" I forced out with a fake joyous tone so that Sammie would buy mine and Lorenzo's 'love'...we're still in the honeymoon phase afterall


"...I'm on my way back there right now"

"Angelina what the hell?"

" you too"

I looked back at Sammie who was looking back at me with doughy eyes

"I want to get married too" she pursed her lips making me smile

"I wish Keith was here too but I guess I'll see him some other time...please give him a big hug for me" I asked as I picked my purse and car keys up; getting ready to leave

"No! You'll have to hug him yourself...when you get back to work" she smiled

"Will do...I have to go now; love you and see you later" I said as I gave her a bone crushing hug

"Love you too" she called out as I started walking away "I bet Lorenzo loves watching you walk away...girl your butt is giving me life right now"

"tosh (nonsense)" I said over my shoulder and left her cozy apartment

Once I got home the mothers ambushed me and made me spend the rest of the day with them, which wasn't so bad except for the million questions they had about my love life.

After dinner they let me go to my room to rest and thankfully Robert wasn't at the dinner table with us today.

It was already 11:30pm and boy was I knackered(tired). I checked my phone for any new messages from Lorenzo but only found the thousands of text messages he sent while I was still with Samantha.
I was too lazy to text him back so I put my phone on the nightstand and was welcomed by a soothing sleep.

I slept for what felt like two minutes and then felt the bed dip. Knowing it was Lorenzo I let my guard down and tried to sleep but I felt him place a kiss on my cheek then his arms wrap around me and pull me towards him. I welcomed the new found warmth and made a mental note to stay mad at him tomorrow because he left me on the side of the road today.

Hey guys...just know that the few times that I translate what Angelina is saying; it's usually because some people don't understand the 'slang' that is used in the UK.

Love you deep😊❤

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