chapter 34

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"I love it...Bambolina loves it too" I say referring to the new doghouse that Lorenzo got for Bambolina "how much was it Lorenzo?"

"Don't worry about that...I'm just glad that she won't be interrupting our cuddles's been two weeks"

"...but she loves cuddles too" I pout

"...but I love your cuddles too Angel. I'm starting to regret getting you that dog" he said and Bambolina started barking angrily at Lorenzo

"You're hurting her feelings" I snapped at him and picked Bambolina up and walked away from Lorenzo and into the house

"Gesù" I heard Lorenzo say from under his breath

"I'm sorry Bambi...daddy loves you, he's just a being stupid right now" I said to Bambolina once we got into our bedroom and placed her on the bed

As soon as I sat down I started feeling a little queasy "I knew something was wrong with that milk" I said to myself reffering to the milk that I drank for breakfast

I drank some water and switched the telly on. I opened up a packet of potato crisps and as soon as it's smell engulfed my nose my stomach started to turn and I had an unbearable urge to puke

I rushed to the bathroom and spewed my entire breakfast out into the toilet.

I spent a few more minutes in the bathroom just puking everything out. Once I was done I brushed my teeth and picked Bambolina up. She has been barking as soon as I rushed to the bathroom.

I walked back to bed and made myself comfortable. I drank more water and decided to just rest...I hate food poisoning.

I was starting to fall asleep when the bedroom door opened. I assumed it was Lorenzo so I carried on sleeping, before I knew what was happening a white cloth was pressed against my nose and mouth. I tried to hold my breath but I couldn't; due to the sudden shock. The chloroform on the cloth invaded my lungs before I managed to reach for the gun under Lorenzo's pillow. I heard an evil chuckle before the black dots started to invade my vision. I started getting weaker and weaker until the darkness welcomed me.

When I came to; my body felt like it had been to war and back. My chest felt tight and my eyes felt heavy. My hands and legs were chained up painfully. My hands were chained upright and my feet firmly to the ground.

This place smelt like many lives have been lost in here

I tried to take in my surroundings but all I saw were the four walls. The room was too dark; with no light coming through accept the light from the gap beneath the door. Where the hell am I? I tried to move but the chains limited my movement.

"H-hello?..." I called out with a hoarse voice. I need water "Can anybody hear me?" I said a bit louder

I started hearing footsteps and then keys started jingling. The door squeaked open and revealed a dark figure. I could tell that it was a man but I couldn't make out who it was

He switched the lights on and I was momentarily blinded by the light. The tall figure stepped forward and smiled

"You're finally up" he remarked "you've been out cold for two days"

"W-who are you?" I asked. I've never met this person before "w-where a-am I?"

"Don't worry about that" he smiled sinisterly "I'm sure you need water"

I watched him walk to the side of the room. He poured me a glass of water and forced me to drink from it. I swallowed harshly. He threw the remainder of the water right to my face and smiled

"The boss would be glad to find out that you're up; let me go fetch him sweetheart" he said as he turned to walk out of the door "...oh and don't go anywhere" he said and chuckled to himself as he closed the door behind him


"I told you not to come back here unless you're coming with information about my wife's whereabouts" I said to Danny as Bambolina started barking again

"Mi dispiace (I'm sorry)...but You seriously need to sleep man. You haven't slept for the past three days"

"I won't sleep until she's back in my arms" I poured myself another glass of vodka

"Well you can't drink yourself to death" he muttered

"You're not my mother" I said as I gulped the drink down

"You don't want to welcome your wife back home in a drink you?" He asked and to be honest he hit a nerve

"Just get out" I asked him but he ignored me "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I GET TRIGGER HAPPY AGAIN DANIEL" I shouted and this time he actually walked out muttering a few choice words

I made my way back to my desk chair and Bambolina jumped onto my lap

"I'll get your mother back to you and I... I promise you" I said while running my hands through her furr


I looked around the room for anything I could use to escape but spot nothing at all.

I heard footsteps and the door opened to reveal the man who was here earlier "The boss is here" he said with no smiles this time.

The door opened wider and a man appeared. I had to blink a few times to make sure that my eyes weren't playing games with me

"You can blink all you want...that won't make me disappear" he chuckled.


"Robert" I gasped "W-why?"

"Lovely to see you too" he walked closer to me and brushed my cheek with his thumb "I've been waiting for this ever since I saw you with my son"

"Wh-why?...I've never done anything to you"

"You have been nothing but a burden to my son ever since you stepped foot into his life... he doesn't listen to me anymore because of you" he spat

"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry" my tears started to blur my eyes

"It's too late for apologies...Angel" he smiled as he tucked a curl behind my ear

"I'll do anything that you want me to do...please I'm sorry"

"Anything?" He smirked. I hate this man

"Yes...anything within reason" I corrected myself

"I want you to stay away from my son"

"Okay...done" I lied

"That was too easy" he chuckles and punches my right cheek. Fuck

"Don't lie to me" he snickered "You will stay away from him" he tells me

"I can't" I breathe out "I love your son Mr. Rosi"

"Well let's make sure that you can..." he says as he motions for the other man in the room to come closer

Before I know what was happening I felt a sting on my left cheek. He continuously kept punching me while Robert watched. I was kicked, punched and slapped until I vomit. I couldn't take anymore of this. At first I had the fullish hope that Lorenzo would come in and safe me

"Stop" I cry out  "please stop...I'll do it, I'll stay away from him. Just please stop"

"Now we're getting here's what's going to happen" he smiled "I'm going to let you go back to the mansion and you will pack your bags secretly. You will have a maximum of three days to get your shit straight and I will help you escape. You will go where Lorenzo won't find you. Don't do anything stupid because I have eyes and ears everywhere in that house. I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your head"

I nod my head and the other man unties the chains. Once my hands and feet were freed I immediately fell to the ground because I was so weak

"Take her back and don't get caught" Robert ordered as he left the room.

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