character intros

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I'm on a Maximoff Twins kick and I'm not sure why.

Anyways, here are the completely unnecessary character bios that I sometimes do.

Wanda Maximoff:
"Pietro, they saved us from a life of villainy and mindlessness. We owe them our gratitude and our loyalty."

Alias: Scarlet Witch

Age: 14

Pietro Maximoff:
"Wanda, sister, we don't owe anyone anything. But if aligning ourselves with these...heroes, gets us closer to getting revenge on Cadmus then I'm in."

Alias: Quicksilver

Age: 14

Artemis Crock:
"Now this is what sibling solidarity looks like."

Alias: Artemis

Age: 15

Dick Grayson:
"I'm not sure, Batman, something isn't quite right about those two. I'm not sure they know it, though."

Alias: Robin

Age: 13

Conner Kent:
"Cadmus may have made me, but this is my home now."

Alias: Superboy

Age: 16

"I believe we have created something special today."

Alias: Aqualad

Age: 16

Wally West:
"Cool, I'm not the only speedster around now! Hey, wanna race?"

Alias: Kid Flash

Age: 15

M'gann M'orzz:
"This is the start of a beautiful friendship, I can tell already!"

Alias: Miss Martian

Age: 16

Zatanna Zatara:
"Be careful, magic is not something to trifle with."

Alias: Zatanna

Age: 14

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