chapter sixteen

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If it wasn't obvious from the events of last chapter, I am changing the events of season 1 just a tad. Just like a tiny bit. The main premise will stay the same but I might stop quoting episodes, idk.

Mount Justice

October 31, 19:34 EDT

Ever since the team's individual therapy sessions with Canary everyone has been more relaxed, even Wanda has left her room more often. She has not mentioned anything about her meeting with the Light or her ailment to her friends, as per her agreement with them, but she has continued as before the training exercise, hopeful that the Brain and Klarion will find a cure for her.

Right now, most of the team was getting ready for a Halloween party at Happy Harbor High, the only two not going being Kaldur and Robin. M'gann was dressed as the bride of Frankenstein, Wally was a werewolf, Conner was a mummy, Zatanna was a witch, and Artemis was a vampire. Pietro decided to get cheeky and dress up as the Flash while Wanda decided to be a fairy.

"You can't go as my uncle, that's just weird!" Wally yelled at Pietro, staring at his dollar store costume.

"Fine." Pietro ran off, returning a moment later in a familiar yellow  costume. "Better? Or are you afraid I look better in your costume than you do?"

Wally gaped at him. "Dude!"

Pietro stuck his tongue out at him while everyone snickered.

M'gann finished wrapping Conner's arm in toilet paper. "There. Everyone ready to hit the dance floor?"

"Oh, do I have to dance?" Wanda groaned. "I don't even know how."

"Don't worry, we'll show you." Artemis and Zatanna smiled at her.

The group of friends made their way to the school, Wally and Pietro bickering the whole way there. They entered the school and made their way to the gymnasium where the dance was being held, immediately attracting the attention of three people.

The group of three came up to them and M'gann introduced them as Mal, Karen, and Wendy. They were dressed as Superman, a bumblebee, and Black Canary, respectively.

"I love your Kid Flash costume! Very nice, very accurate." Wendy said to Pietro, earning a glare from Wally.

"Thank you, I believe in being as authentic as possible." Pietro sent a smirk Wally's way.

Oh, if you ruin my costume in anyway, Pietro Maximoff, I swear...

What, Wally, what are you going to do?

I'll think of something, you quick bastard.

Ha! Did everyone hear that? Wally said I'm quick!

Well, you are a speedster, Pietro...

"Hey, what's Marvin doing?" Wanda asked, pointing to the boy on his phone.

"Oh, don't mind him. He thinks Martians are invading." Wendy rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows that is just a prank."

Marvin launched into a whole spiel about how it wasn't a prank and how they've been spotted across the country. Mal pointed out that Martians are friendly, just look at Manhunter.

"Its too bad Kaldur and Rob couldn't make it." Zatanna sighed.

"Somebody has a crush." Artemis mused.

"I'm not the only one with a crush, just look at M'gann and Conner, and Pietro and Wally." Zatanna pointed to the two aforementioned duos, the former being lovey-dovey with each other while the latter bickered. "How long have they been together?"

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