chapter seven

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What's up with Wanda? We may find out more during this chapter...or not. Who knows. Not me.

Also,  above is Wanda's new outfit, minus the cleavage hole. Her old one was her Age of Ultron outfit, for reference.

Mount Justice

August 27, 18:00 EDT

After the disastrous mission against Clayface in Gotham, the team decided they needed some downtime, so they all went their separate ways. Robin went to Gotham, Wally to Central City, Kaldur to Atlantis, and Artemis to...well, she didn't say, but that left M'gann, Pietro, Superboy, and Wanda at the mountain.

M'gann was in the kitchen looking through a cookbook while Superboy sat on the couch watching static. Pietro and Wanda walked into the joint room, staring at the television in confusion.

"You...want to turn that on?" Pietro inquired, furrowing his brow further when Superboy declined. Wanda wandered into the kitchen to see what M'gann was doing. "Okay, well, what're we watching?"

Superboy just grunted.

Wanda stood on her tip toes to see over M'gann's shoulder, looking at the cook book. "What're you making?"

"Haven't decided yet." M'gann hummed, using her telekinesis to float ingredients around the kitchen. "Want to help me?"

Wanda shrugged. "Sure, be more entertaining than watching static." Pietro and Superboy grumbled at her. Wanda looked at the ingredients M'gann had gathered, deciding to chop up some onions. She turned when M'gann started talking to her.

"So...not to pry, but I sensed some...distress, coming from you after our mission against Klarion. Do you...want to talk about it?" M'gann asked quietly, working on the tomatoes.

Wanda felt herself pale. She bit her lip nervously, looking up at the two boys in the other room.

How much do you know?

M'gann's eyes widened slightly and she almost sliced her finger.

Well, I didn't know you could do that. But, I don't know much. Only that you are in great psychological turmoil.

That's an understatement.

Can I be of any help?

Wanda paused, staring down at the onion.

I don't know if anyone can, M'gann.

Try me.

Pietro...Pietro doesn't even know this.

That you are a telepath?

No, no, he knows that.

Then what is it. Wanda, you can tell me anything.

M'gann put the knife down and walked over to Wanda, placing a hand on her shoulder. Wanda looked at the hand and sighed, shaking her head.

Forget I said anything. Its not important.

M'gann's eyes flashed red and her hand fell from Wanda's shoulder. Wanda gasped, covering her mouth in horror.

"Wanda? Wanda, what's wrong?" M'gann asked, perplexed by her friend's reaction.

Wanda shook her head, running from the room. She ran to her bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking it. She made her way into the bathroom, hiding next to the toilet as she hyperventilated. "What's the matter with me? I...I have never used my powers unintentionally before and never on a friend. H-how could I do that?" She coughed into her hand, pulling it away and gasping when she saw blood in her palm. "No, not again. I...I-"

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