chapter seventeen

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Which side is Wanda going to pick? Is the Light telling the truth? Is Wanda actually dying?

More after the weather.

Mount Justice

November 05, 19:47 EDT

M'gann and Conner were unloading groceries and supplies from the bioship, M'gann using her telekinesis to lift heavy boxes.

"Did you get everything?"

"Everything on your list, Batman." M'gann replied, placing the boxes down next to the supplies Conner was carrying. "Plus groceries."

Pietro and Wally were next to the groceries in an instant. "Cookie fixings?!"


"Sweet!" They high fived.

The elevator to the hangar opened and out stepped Artemis and Zatanna. Wanda averted her eyes, willing the redness in her cheeks to go away when Artemis waved to her.

"Zatanna! Are you joining the team?" She asked instead, walking up to the magician.

"I don't know, Zatara is so over protective. I mean, just getting him to let me visit takes a full days wedeling. I wish he'd just give me a little space." Suddenly the Justice Leaguers that were present disappeared. "Dad!"

"Where did they go?! They just disappeared!"

"Oh, really? Like we hadn't noticed." Pietro drawled.

"Cut it out, you two! This is serious business. Somebody just made three Justice Leaguers disappear." Robin snapped.

"I'm sensing strong magic is at play here." Zatanna added.

"Mission room, now." Kaldur commanded. Everyone ran to the mission room. "Kid Flash, Quicksilver, I want you two to do some recon, see if this is happening anywhere e-"

"It is." They both said at the same time, returning before Kaldur could finish his sentence.

"Adults everywhere, anyone over eighteen, is gone." Pietro stated. "All across the state, and what I assume to be the country, possibly the world."

Robin pulled up the holographic computer, typing rapidly. "Reports from kids across the globe confirm it. I'll try reaching the adult heroes, but don't get your hopes up."

"We need to set up a safe haven for children."

"The high school could work?" Wanda suggested. "We could use the gym."

"Good, get started collecting children. Bring them there. Robin, Kid Flash, we need to let the world know there are heroes working on fixing this. We are the most recognized. We will make the video." Kaldur commanded. "Everyone else, round up duty."

The team nodded, running off to help round up the kids of Happy Harbor.

It took time, but they managed to get the majority of the kids to the high school gymnasium before returning to the mountain when Zatanna said she was ready to try her father's locating spell that Robin had given her the footage of.

They pulled up the world map, everyone standing back as Zatanna took in a deep breath before saying the backwards spell. The coordinates showed up on the map.

"Roanoke Island. Good job, Zatanna." Robin smiled at her.

"It works!" Everyone turned to see a young boy standing there, surprise on his face.

"Where did you come from, who are you?" Aqualad asked as everyone approached him.

"Quick, read my mind." The boy said, a huge smile on his face.

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