chapter nineteen

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I am altering the course of this episode a tad because I can. I also never realized before that Artemis and Kaldur don't appear in it??? Like what??? Why???

Its been too long since I've seen season one.


Mount Justice

November 22, 09:42 EDT

"Robin, Kid Flash, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Miss Martian, and Superboy, report to the mission room." Batman's voice came over the intercom, drawing Wanda out of her daydream. She made her way to the mission room after getting dressed in her suit, surprised to not see Aqualad or Artemis there. She stood with the rest of her team as Batman briefed them. "Rumaan Harjavti is the democratically elected president of Quarac. Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader. A humanitarian. But five days ago Harjavti aligned himself with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee."

"Hmph, not a fan." Superboy grumbled.

"Few are. But Harjavti suddenly backs Queen Bee's baseless claim that Bialya and Quarac used to be one nation in ancient times, and has announced that the countries will reunify in two days in a ceremony in Quarac." Batman showed footage of the two leaders discussing the unification.

"And the Quarcis are okay with this?"

"Hardly." He pulled up footage of protests, explaining how Harjavti has censored the press, silenced the media, and invited in the Bialyan military to instate martial law.

"Queen Bee has to be controlling Harjavti." Robin stated. "Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?"

"And some women." Batman's eyes flicked to Scarlet Witch for half a second before resting back over the team as a whole. "But not long distance. And we have confirmation that she hasn't left Bialya. Something else is at work here. Find out what. Robin, your team leader."

"Me? What about Aqualad?"

"Helping Aquaman. You're the next logical choice."


"Dude? You totally left me hanging."

Everyone made their way to the bioship, getting into their seats as Miss Martian piloted them to the Quarac-Bialya border.


November 22, 23:56 UTC +2

The team watched as Bialyan soldiers and tanks ripped through a fence at the border, chasing a pack of wildebeest. Superboy pointed out that there was no opposition, so Harjavti must be in bed with Bialya. Robin said not to expect opposition, they were over an animal sanctuary.

"The Logan animal sanctuary?" Miss Martian cried out.

"You've heard of it?"

Kid Flash pointed out that the tanks caused a stampede with civilians in harms way. Miss Martian jumped in, saying the team had to save them. Robin deployed the team in stealth mode, letting them know that if the Bialyans knew they hit them it would become an international incident.

Scarlet Witch fired a psionic bolt at the tanks wheel, causing it to crash into the other tank. The soldiers paused, looking at the tanks in confusion. Robin threw a birdarang down that exploded into a gas, providing cover for Quicksilver and Kid Flash as they ran around collecting firearms from the soldiers.

Superboy landed in front of the woman and small boy, grabbing a wildebeest and throwing it on the ground to divert the other stampeding animals away from the civilians. Once the stampede was over, the team went up to the civilians, Robin asking if they were alright.

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