chapter eleven

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Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone! Can anyone guess what is happening with our favorite Witch? Hmmm, maybe we will learn a bit more about this mystery...

Also, I love this episode and I REALLY, REALLY, hate to mess with it. But I gotta do what I gotta do.

Mount Justice

September 22, 18:43 EDT

Everyone but Artemis, Robin, and Kaldur were gathered around Conner's bike, watching Wally work on it. He asked for a tool from M'gann, complimenting her when she handed it to him. Kaldur approached the group.

"I've been meaning to ask...any problem juggling school work with your responsibilities here?"

"Nope." Conner replied easily.

"Juggling is just one of my many talents." Pietro shrugged.

"Daily cheerleading practice has presented a challenge." M'gann pondered. "Oh, but my first loyalty is always to the team. This team, not the Bumblebees."

"Artemis starts school today. Do you think she will have trouble maintaining her loyalties?" Kaldur prodded.

Wanda narrowed her eyes. "I think Artemis will be just fi-"

An explosion cut her off, throwing everyone in various directions. Water began to pour into the room as Wanda struggled to sit up. She looked around for her friends, not seeing them anywhere. She got up and ran for an exit, sensing that her friends were still alive and conscious.

Wanda made it to the mission room just as another ball of fire came flying her way. She dove to the side, her cape getting singed. She tore it off, turning to face her attacker. Her eyes widened. "R-red Tornado?" The android did not reply, just threw more fire at her. "Okay, not Tornado."

She threw up a force field just in time, holding it in place as she ran down a tunnel leading to the library. She figured she could lose them in the books. As she was running, she reached out to the rest of the team telepathically.

Pietro! M'gann! Kaldur! Conner! Wally! Anyone! Are you alright?


No, Artemis. Yes, Wanda!

Red Tornado's psycho siblings captured us. They have M'gann and Kaldur in some sort of fire cage. Conner, Wally, and myself are stuck in some concoction. We can't break free. Where are you?

I'm in the library. I'm trying to let Artemis and Robin know not to come to the cave but I can't reach them. Any chance M'gann-

She is out cold.

Damnit! I don't know what to do! I can't take on two Red Tornadoes and I can't reach anyo-

Wanda, stay calm. Panicking is not going to help anyone.

Okay, okay. You're right. You're right.

Sister, you are a powerhouse. If anyone can take on two Tornadoes it is you.

Thanks, 'tro.

Wanda knew what she had to do, consequences to her own health be damned. She took in shuddering breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. Kaldur was right, panicking wouldn't do anyone any good.

She heard the announcement of Robin and Artemis' arrival and felt her heart beat quicken right back up. She knew she had to go help them so she got off the library floor and ran back to the mission room, nearly tackling Robin as she did so.

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