chapter five

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ARTEMIS, ARTEMIS, ARTEMIS! YAY! I'm so excited to have Artemis in the story.

Mount Justice

August 08, 09:58 EDT

The six team members walked out of the cave and towards the beach, holding towels and surf boards.

"Hello, Megan! We should hit the beach every day!" M'gann exclaimed, throwing her arms wide.

"First, a moment of silence for our absent comrade." Robin said solemnly, dipping his head down.

"Poor Wally." M'gann sighed, tipping her head as well.

"Enough drama, let us hit the water!" Pietro exclaimed, running towards the sand. He dove in, turning around to splash the others standing at the edge. "Come on!"

Everyone ran to the water, splashing about and having a blast while Wally was having a terrible day at school. They played beach volleyball, buried Superboy in the sand, cooked weenies over the fire, and had a contest to see who could hold their breath the longest under the water, not including Kaldur.

It wasn't until late that they went back to the cave and when they entered they were shocked to see Green Arrow, Batman, and a mysterious blonde teen dressed in a green outfit with a bow.

"Uh, who is this?" Superboy asked, gesturing to the girl.

"This is Artemis, my niece and newest protégé." Green Arrow placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey." The girl waved.

Wanda's eyes widened and she took a discreet step back. Artemis eyed Wanda curiously, having caught her subtle move.

"Excuse us while we get changed." Kaldur spoke politely, gesturing to their beachwear.

The group went to their rooms and got changed into their suits, returning moments later to properly greet Artemis. They all stood around her and chatted for a bit until the zeta tubes announced Wally's arrival.

"The Wall-Man is here! Now let's get this party started!" He tripped as he came running in, falling on his face.

"Wall-Man huh? Ah, I love the uniform. What exactly are your powers?" Artemis sassed, instantly earning points in Pietro's book.

"Uh, who's this?" Wally asked, walking up between Kaldur and Robin.

"My new best friend." Pietro mumbled.

"Artemis. Your new teammate." Artemis stated proudly, smiling at Pietro's comment.

"Kid Flash. Never heard of you." Wally glared.

"She's my new protégé." Green Arrow told him.

"What happened to your old one?"

Recognize Speedy B06

"Well for starters he doesn't go by Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow."

"Roy, you look-"

"Replaceable." Roy hissed.

"Its not like that. You told me you were going solo." Green Arrow defended himself.

"This is awkward." Pietro mumbled to Wanda, who elbowed him the ribs.

"So why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?"

"Yes, she can." Artemis got in Roy's face.

"Who are you?" Wally asked, exasperated.

"I'm his niece."

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