chapter nine

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Another ad-lib chapter for ya! Are you guys enjoying this story?

I was seriously considering making this chapter go a completely different direction but alas I decided to stick with my original plan for the story.

Happy Harbor

September 07, 07:58 EDT

"Ugh, do we really need to go to school?" Pietro groaned, walking behind M'gann and the newly dubbed Conner with Wanda. "I'm pretty sure Wanda, Conner, and myself learned everything we needed to know from the genomorphs."

"Pietro, it is for socialization and to give us a break from the you know what." Wanda whispered. "We can't have our whole lives revolve around the team. That's not healthy."

"But I don't want to be a freshman in high school. That is the lowest level of the food chain. Especially if they don't know you have super powers." Pietro mumbled, crossing his arms with a pout.

"That's the whole point of a secret identity, people can't know you have super powers." Wanda felt a migraine coming on.

Conner grabbed a kid off the back of a skate board, lifting him in the air and pointing at his T-shirt. "Explain this."

"What's your problem?" A teen nearby asked, looking at the quartet. "Put my man Marvin, down."

"I-I don't think he likes my shirt." The boy in Conner's hand stuttered out.

Conner looked around at everyone's shirts, noticing they all had on super hero logos. He grit his teeth. "Your shirts fine. Everyone's shirts fine." He dropped the kid.

"Someone's fine." The girl next to the teen that called Conner out spoke, looking him up and down. The boy started to approach them.

M'gann started to introduce herself to the boy, Marvin. "Hi, we're new. I'm Megan Morse. This is Conner Kent and our friends, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff."

Conner walked up to the meet the teen, staring him down. Another guy snapped his fingers in their faces. "Okay, time to get to home room, gang."

The teen brushed past Conner, bumping his shoulder into Conner's. Conner grunted, going to follow him until M'gann and Wanda stepped in his path.

Conner, no.

"Hi, I'm Wendy. I was new last year so I know how hard it is to fit in." A girl with black hair and blue eyes approached the quartet. She turned to M'gann. "But you look like instant Bumblebee material to me. Cheerleaders. The Bumblebees. Tryouts are after school."

That sounds exhausting. Don't sign me up.

"Thanks! I'll be there!" M'gann walked off with Wendy, leaving Pietro, Wanda, and Conner to head to homeroom by themselves.

The three of them walked away and into the building, splitting up as Conner was signed up as a sophomore and the twins were freshmen. The twins made their way to homeroom, settling in next to each other and thanking the principal that they managed to get almost the same schedule. The class slowly trickled in around them and attendance was taken before they were sent to their first period classes, both were in Algebra together.

"Alright, class, I will be assigning seats as I want you to get to know each other." Everyone groaned as the teacher divided people up, Wanda and Pietro being separated. They looked out the window, bored out of their minds as this was child's play to them. "Ms. Maximoff, do you mind answering the question?"

Wanda gulped, turning to face the board. "Um..." She hadn't heard the question, so she quickly used her telepathy to read the teacher's mind to get the question. "X equals negative two?"

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