chapter twenty two

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I had like 16oz of coffee while watching this episode and I could barely get through it because I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED. I've had this planned since the beginning and omg I am so excited. Y'all ain't ready for this, no ma'am.

As you might expect , I am changing things a bit to fit my needs.

Now, strap in for a ride. ITS GON GET WILD.

:) :) :)

Washington D.C.

December 30, 09:16 EDT

The team was gathered in the library of the Hall of Justice with new member Rocket watching the newest members of the Justice League be welcomed into the League on television.

"You are watching live coverage of the induction of the Justice League's five newest members. It looks like the entire League has shown up to welcome the new blood, everyone from Batman to Captain Marvel." The news reporter was saying on the television as the team stood around watching.

"I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out. And I love that there is a ten year old in the League." Wally laughed, munching on an apple.

"There is?" Raquel asked, hands on her hips.

"Way to keep a secret, genius." Robin elbowed Wally.

"Hey, she's on the team now, right?" Wally shrugged, chewing more apple.

The reporter told the camera that Superman was passing out official League membership cards. Raquel complained that she was the one to convince her mentor, Icon, to become a hero so she should be out there celebrating with him. Kaldur agreed.

"Well, I suppose there's an upside too." Raquel checked Kaldur out.

Wanda giggled into her hand, having caught the interaction. Pietro looked at her and she mouthed that she would tell him later.

"Way to go Roy!" Wally cheered when Green Arrow gave Red Arrow his card.

Robin's watch beeped with an alert and he checked it out, telling everyone what it said. "We have a mission. Come on, let's go."

"Wait, I thought Batman gave us our missions?" Raquel asked.

"You'll learn quickly that we do things off book as well." Pietro reassured her, chasing after the rest of the team as they ran towards the zeta tubes to the mountain. The team suited up, rushing to the bioship.

Smokey Mountains

December 30, 10:48 EDT

"A-are you sure its her? I mean are you absolutely positive?" Artemis asked after Robin filled the team in on the mission details. Wanda gave her a look.

"See for yourself. This is the security footage from the Ashville Regional Airport. Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen." Robin had pulled up images and videos on the screen at the front of the bioship. "But you've seen her without her mask, what do you think?"

"It's Jade. Cheshire." Artemis sighed.

"Focus on what she carries. Is that the case you saw in New Orleans? The one that got away?" Kaldur asked, looking to Wanda.


Rocket asked what was so important about the case. Robin and Kaldur filled her in on the Injustice League and their allies scheming ways. M'gann announced that they were approaching Cheshire's jet. When they were above it, it was a crash site. Artemis looked away, a pained expression on her face.

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