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She told herself that she wanted to take charge of herself, take charge of her happiness and freedom
She did what everyone said you should do to be free, she cut away the people that brought sadness in her life, the ones who brought in negative energy.
She thought she had removed them all, but somehow the emptiness still lingered in her, the negative aura still hung over her.
You see, what she failed to notice was that, she was also responsible for her sadness, her emptiness
She had spent so much time and energy pointing fingers to people saying they where causing her pain that she didn't realize that she was also responsible for her pain.
Happiness goes had in hand with pain, if you are not making yourself happy, you are causing yourself pain
Most of the times we do a bang up job on hurting ourselves.
People come in our lives with their own opinion and have we all have a choice to take their opinions or leave them
So do yourself a favor and create happiness on your own.

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