Chapter 3: An Eventful Night

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(Christian's P.O.V)

Y/N was singing along to a song on the radio, which happened to be The Chain by Fleetwood Mac. The things that girl does to me. I know we just met today, but I think I love her. I mean who couldn't. She's perfect. Even her little imperfections make her perfect. That's what's so great about her.

"Christian, you're awfully quiet back there. What's bugging you," Y/N asked, which cast me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing. Just thinking," I answered.
"About what," Y/N asked.
"Life," I lied.
"Okay," she said before going back to singing.

I can't believe she actually bought that. I feel bad for lying, but it would be weird to tell her that I'm in love with her since we both just met today. Plus, I can't tell her I love her because I think the other guys are in love with her too, which would make things extremely awkward if I told her how I feel. Good Lord! Love is so confusing.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

Something seems off about Christian. He was fine earlier today when we first met. Now, he's just quiet. I know he lied to me. But why? Could it be that a cute guy like him is attracted to me? If so, I'm way out of his league. I mean he's a ten, and I'm a three. In fact, all these boys are tens. Am I attracted to Christian? Maybe. I mean, he is kinda hot. I need to stop thinking like that. I can't fall in love with any of my costars. I don't think I can handle the drama.

"And we are here," Michael said as he parked his car.
"Thank God. I'm starving," I said while getting out of the car.

"Y/N, I know I said this earlier, but you really have an amazing singing voice," Gabriel said.
"Thanks, Gabe," I said.
"You're welcome, gorgeous," he said.

"Y/N, how about we hang out in your hotel room tonight," Christian suggested.
"Only if you and the guys let me do your makeup," I said.
"Deal," Christian, Gabriel, and Michael said in unison.

"So sweetheart, we're going to hang out in your hotel room after dinner? I'm just making sure I heard that right," Marty said while walking up to us.
"Yep, and I'm doing your makeup too," I said.
"Are you doing all the guys' makeup too," Marty asked.
"Yep. I wouldn't single you out. That would definitely not be fair," I replied.

Sweetheart? That's the pet name he could come up with? I don't understand why I'm complaining about all these pet names. Oh yeah. I don't want them liking me and starting drama with each other. But I kinda like Christian and maybe Dominic. I'm not sure about the others yet.

"Hey girlsie," David said while we walked inside.
"Hi, Davey," I said.

Maybe I like David too.

"Hello. How can I help you," a woman asked.
"Hi. Um, can we get a table for ten," Trey asked.
"Of course. Follow me please," the woman answered as she grabbed ten menus and took us to a table that could seat all of us.

I sat in between Gabriel and Aaron and was across from David and Christian. Marty sat next to David, Max sat next to Christian, Dominic sat next to Aaron, Trey sat next to Gabriel, and Michael was at the head of the table. After looking at our menus a bit, a middle-aged waitress came up to us to take our drink orders.

"Hi, I'm Tammy, and I'll be your waitress this evening. What can I get you to drink," the middle-aged woman asked.
"I'll have a water," Aaron replied.

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