Chapter 5: Breakfast With Dominic

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 am as usual. I was caught in someone's arms. I looked over to see Christian. Why is he in bed with me? Oh, yeah. I let him stay the night after my date with David. Then, I heard a knock at the door. Who could want to see me this early?

"Christian, let go of me. Someone's at the door," I said.
"Only if I can get a kiss," he said.
"Okay," I said before giving in and quickly kissing him.

Christian let go of me, and I walked to the door and opened it to see Dominic standing there.

"Good morning, Y/N. Sorry if I woke you up," Dominic said.
"It's okay Dom. I was woken up by an alarm," I said.
"I was wondering if you wanted to stop at a coffee shop for some coffee and breakfast before we have to be at the studio," Dominic said.
"I'd like that," I said.

"Hey, Dominic," Christian said while walking up to us.
"Hi, Christian," he said.

"Before you even ask, Christian stayed the night with me last night. We didn't screw around. Don't worry. It was completely platonic," I said.
"Oh. I was kinda curious because it looks like he has sex hair," Dominic said.

"It's clearly bed hair, Dom. Well, I'm going to head up to my room so I can shower and get into some clean clothes. I'll see you two at the studio I guess," Christian said before leaving my room.

"I'll see you in the lobby at 7:00 am, angel," Dominic said before kissing my cheek and leaving.

The things these boys do to me. The date with David was amazing. Talking about love with Christian was what I needed last night. Now, having breakfast with Dominic is going to be great. I took a quick shower, did a simple makeup look, put on a red shirt, my short overalls, and tied my hair up in a high ponytail with a red scrunchie. Then, I put on my black converse and grabbed my purse. I looked at the clock that was next to my bed and it read 7:05 am. Shit! Dominic said to meet him in the lobby at 7:00 am. I must have lost track of time doing my makeup. I better head down to the lobby. Thank God I'm on the third floor. I took the elevator down to the lobby and saw Dominic sitting in a chair reading one of the magazines that was on the coffee table in front of him.

"Hey, Dom. Sorry for running a bit late," I said.
"It's okay, girlsie. Ready to go," he asked while getting up.
"Yep," I said.
"After you, angel," Dominic said as he opened the door for me.
"Okay. It's too early for you to be romantic," I said before walking outside.
"It's never too early to be romantic, Y/N," Dominic told me while hailing a cab.

We took a cab to a coffee shop. As we walked in, it smelled heavily of coffee and incense.

"Good morning. What can I get the two of you," a woman asked.
"I'll have two coffees and two scones," Dominic answered.
"What's the name for your order," the woman asked.
"Dominic," the sixteen year old replied.
"I'll get those to you soon," the woman said.
"Thank you," Dominic said before paying.

"You didn't have to pay for me, Dominic," I said.
"I'm the one who asked you out, so I'm the one who payed," he said.
"Okay," I said as we sat at a table.
"Were you lying earlier about you and Christian," Dominic asked.

"I have two coffees and two scones for Dominic," a man said.

"I'll be right back," Dominic said.
"Okay," I said.

Dominic quickly came back with our coffees and scones. 

"Can you answer my question please," Dominic asked as I took a sip of my coffee. 
"I wasn't lying about earlier. Christian and I had a strictly platonic night after I went on that date with David," I answered. "Are you jealous, Dom?"
"N-no," he replied.
"You definitely are," I said while taking a bite of my scone.
"Okay. Maybe a little bit jealous," Dominic said.
"Dominic, we really need to talk about something. You see, I like you, David, and Christian. A lot. In fact, I'm in love with all of you," I said.
"Are you suggesting a foursome," he asked.
"Eww. Hell no! That's disgusting," I answered.
"Relax. I'm just teasing you. Just tell me what you have to tell me, angel," Dominic said.
"I need time where I don't go on dates with you, David, or Christian for a bit. You see, I need to take the time to figure out which one of you I really like if you know what I mean," I said.
"I understand. Take all the time you need. I just need to know before we finish filming the movie though," Dominic said.
"Don't worry. You will," I told him.
"Y/N, there's something on your face," Dominic said.
"What," I asked as he kissed me.
"Sorry. I just really wanted to kiss you since that night," Dominic replied.
"It's okay, Dom," I said as a blush crept onto my face.
"We should probably get going. It's already 7:45 am," he said while looking down at his watch.
"You're right," I said as we grabbed our coffees and left.

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