Chapter 7: An Evening With Christian

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(Christian's P.O.V)

I can't believe Y/N finally agreed to go on that date with me. I'm really happy she said yes. I feel bad for Dominic, but I can't do anything about it. Y/N can't control who she does and doesn't love. After filming the Seize The Day scene, we filmed the scene where Y/N and David kissed. Good Lord. I wish it was me kissing her. I just thought of the perfect idea for our date tonight. Getting dinner, ice cream, and going to an arcade. Y/N will definitely pick me after this date. I'm sure of it. Now, I just hope we're done for the day.

"Okay guys. We're done here for the day," Kenny said.

"Finally," I said.

I headed to my trailer to change out of my costume. Once I had changed, I grabbed my wallet, and headed to Y/N's trailer. I opened the door to see her putting on a shade of lipstick that was similar to her own. I walked in without her noticing and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hi, Chris," Y/N said.
"Hi, love," I said.
"You know, hearing you call me love doesn't bother me as much. Probably because I'm so used to hearing it," Y/N said.
"That's good, I guess," I said.
"So what are our plans for tonight," Y/N asked.
"I was thinking getting dinner, ice cream, and going to an arcade," I answered.
"That sounds like fun," Y/N said.
"Good," I said before leaning down and kissing her cheek.
"Let's go. I'm getting hungry," I heard her say.
"Okay," I said while letting go of her.

We headed to a restaurant Max had told me about and then we headed to an ice cream parlor that was near an arcade.

"Can you at least let me pay for ice cream," Y/N asked.
"No. I asked you out, Y/N. I'm paying, and you'll just have to deal with it," I replied as I opened the door for her.
"Oh, alright," she said.

"Hi. What can I get the two of you," a teenage boy asked.
"Can I get two chocolate ice creams in cones," I asked.
"Yeah. That'll be $6.00," the teenage boy replied while I handed him my credit card.

"Hi. How can I help you," a middle-aged woman asked.
"Oh, I'm with him," Y/N answered.
"Ah, teenage love. Enjoy it while it lasts," the middle-aged woman said.

"Y/N, let's sit over there," I said while pointing to a small booth.
"Okay," she said as we walked to the booth.
"Here's your ice cream, love," I said.
"Thanks," Y/N said as she took the cone from me.
"You know, I'm definitely going to try to beat you at Pac-Man tonight," I said.
"I wouldn't be so sure of yourself, Chris. I'm pretty good at Pac-Man," Y/N said.
"I like your spirit, Y/N. It would hurt me to crush it," I said.
"You sound afraid to lose to the girl you love," Y/N said.
"I am not. Also, you've got a tiny dot of ice cream on your nose," I said before getting a napkin and wiping her nose.
"Thanks, Chris," Y/N said.
"You're welcome," I said.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

Christian stop being adorable. It's helping you more than you think. Shit. Now, we're having awkward silence. I should say something.

"I don't know why I haven't noticed this until now, but you've never called me girlsie," I said.
"I never called you that because I like Y/N much better," Christian said.
"Stop being adorable," I said.
"I can't stop being what I am," Christian said.
"Now, you're just being full of yourself, Christian," I told him.
"I most certainly am not," he said.
"This argument will be pointless," I said.
"You're right. Okay. Which movie is better: Heathers or The Breakfast Club," Christian asked.
"Ooh. That's tough. I'm gonna have to go with The Breakfast Club. Mainly, because of the soundtrack, and it's quotable," I replied.
"You have a point," Christian said.
"Okay. You have to pick one band. Queen or the Beatles," I said.
"You can't make me do that. That's not fair," Christian said.
"Oh it is. You have to pick one," I said.
"Uh, the Beatles because they're awesome, even though they both are equally great bands," Christian said.
"You're definitely right," I said.
"Let's get going. I don't know when the arcade closes," Christian said while getting up.
"But I'm not done with my cone yet, Chris," I said.
"You can finish it while we walk to the arcade, Y/N. It's not that far from here," he said.
"Oh, alright. Let's go to the arcade," I said.

As we walked to the arcade, Christian wrapped one of his arms around my waist. I couldn't tell whether he was using it as an excuse to touch my ass or if he was being protective of me. Probably both. Who knows? I finished my cone right before we walked in. When we walked in, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham was being played. The first game we played was Dig Dug. Christian beat me with a really high score twice. Next, we played Galaga. Christian beat me again. Five times in a row. After that, we played seven games of air hockey. I kicked Christian's ass six times. I might have let him win one round. It was awesome. Finally, we played Pac-Man. We kept tieing. To decide who won, we flipped a coin. I won. After playing one more game of air hockey, we decided to call it a night. We took a cab back to the hotel and Christian walked me back to my room.

"Thanks for an amazing night, Christian. I really had fun kicking your ass in air hockey," I said.
"You're welcome, love," he said.
"Good night," I said.
"Good night, Y/N," Christian said before passionately kissing me and walking away.

It's definitely going to be hard to choose now. I don't know if David can top a night like that. Why should he though? He's probably got something up his sleeve that I don't know about. Anyway, I should probably get some sleep. I have a long day of acting and dancing ahead of me.

A/N: I feel like this is kind of a filler chapter. Let me know what you guys think of it.

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