Chapter 52

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       HARRY'S P.O.V.

  "That was good mum Thanks." I thanked my mum for dinner.

  "No problem. Do you mind cleaning up the kitchen?" I told her I would then started putting away the leftovers and doing the dishes.

  By the time I finished, Shaiden and my mum were passed out on the couch with the tv on.

  "Mum go to bed" I shook my mums shoulder trying to get her up. It took a few seconds but she got up and walked to her room. Next I try to get Shaiden up.

  "Come one baby. Let's go to bed." She opened her eyes and just stared at me.

  "Why are you always waking me up whenever I'm asleep?" She stood up and stormed passed me. What the hell? I walk behind her upstairs and when she gets to her room she slams the door. I open it and peek in.

  "What the heck was that about?" I say trying to keep it down.

  "Nothing Harry. I'm just tired. Goodnight." She pushed me out of her room and shut and locked the door. I go to my room and slam the door.

   My alarm goes off at 7am because I have a job interview today. I hear Shaiden in the kitchen, so before she leaves I go downstairs.

  "Hey. What are you doing up so early?" She asked lookint at me.  

  "I have a job interview today." 

  "Yeah? Where at?"

  "A tattoo parlor"

  "Really?" I nod my head. "Since when do you want to work as a tattoo artist?"

  "Well I've always had an interest and I know a person who will train me. I've been thinking about getting a few tattoos myself." She walked over to me stood in front of me

  "I think you would look hot with some tattoos"


  "Mhmm" she mumbled getting on her tippy toes to kiss me. Well her attitude is much better than last night. I kiss her back.

  "So what was up last night?"

  "I was just tired and I snapped. I'm Sorry."

  "It's okay I guess. You better get going before you are late for school"

  "Okay. I love you. And text me if you get the job."

  "I will. Have a good baby." She gave me a kiss on the cheek then left the house.

   I hang around the house until it was time for my interview. I make it to the parlor about 10 minutes before my scheduled time.

  "Harry Hi." The owner of the store said.

  "Hey Carly."


    I hope Harry gets this job. He seemed really excited about it.

   The school day went by extremely fast and before I knew it, it was time for me to go home. I hadn't received a  text it anything from Harry letting me know if he got it or not.

  When I got home nobody was home. Great. I decide to call Liam to see if he wanted to hang out. I would have called Perrie but her and Zayn were going to hang out after school. He said he'd be over in about 30 minutes. So until then I watched tv to kill time. I tried calling Harry to see where he was, but there was no answer and Anne was at work until 10 tonight.

  About half an hour later, there was a knock at the door and it was Liam.

  "Hey come on in." He came in and we went to the living room to watch tv.

  "So where's Harry?" He asked.

  "To be honest, I am not sure.  He said he had a job interview today but he never texted or called me to let me know what happened like he said he would."

  "Where was his interview?"

  "Some tattoo parlor"

  "Oh okay." The room went silent for a while, it was kind of awkward also. "So um, you don't have to tell me, but Why did you move here?"

   I took a deep breath deciding on if I wanted to answer that question or not. "Well, after me and my parents left here after Christmas, we went to Australia to visit my best friend and on our, way back to Florida," my eyes started getting watery and I could feel a tear run down my face.

  "You don't have to talk about it" he said before I continued.  

   "No it's fine. On our way back home, the plane crashed and both of my parents died. I was in a coma and couldn't remember anything but did after a while. I remembered everything. I still do. I try to not think about it, but it's all I can think about. I just want to see my parents one more time. But I couldn't, so Harry and Anne asked me to move here and since I had nothing left back home, I said I would. I miss it in Florida though. It was my home."

  "Yeah. I get that. Did you like sale their house or anything of theirs?"

  "Oh no. I couldn't. They got cremated, so their ashes and stuff are at the house."

  "If you didn't sale the house, how do you know someone won't brake in and steel their stuff? Weren't they like rich?"

  "We had a house keeper and I told her she could live there in one of the spare bedrooms and keep an eye on the house."

  "I see. Well I'm really Sorry that happened."

  "It's not your fault."

  "I know but still." I wipe my eyes to stop the tears.

   The awkwardness between us went away after I told him that story. It was about 7 when Harry Finally got home.

  "Shaiden? "

  "In the living room." He walked in and stopped as soon as he saw Liam.

  "What's he doing here?"

  "We were just hanging out. I didn't want to be home alone."

  "Oh Well I'm home now. Liam you can go."

  Liam looked at me then back at Harry.

  "I'll see you at school." He said then walked out of the house.

  "That was rude" I said looking Harry dead in the eyes.

  "Why was he here?"

  "I just told you" I said standing up then crossing my arms.

   "Fine. I got the job." He said angrily.

   "That's great!" I said going to give him a hug. He barely hugged me back. "What is your problem?"

   "I don't have a problem. I'm just upset he was here."

   "There is nothing wrong with that Harry. Where were you? Like Why did you get home so late?"


      HARRY'S P.O.V.

    "There is nothing wrong with that Harry." She said. " Where were you? Like Why did you get home so late?"  Should I tell her I was out with Carly? No of course I shouldn't. She'd flip and get even more mad since I'm mad that Liam was here.

   "I was out." Was all I said.

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