Chapter 60

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"Wait. He did what?" Gemma asked.

"He cheated on me with Carly."


"Yeah. I haven't told him or Anne, but I'm going to move out and find somewhere else to stay."

"Why don't you stay with me?"

"Really?" I asked shocked she even brought that up.

"Yeah! I have a spare bedroom you could stay in. It'll be fun! And mum will be okay with it. I'm not sure if Harry will though."

"He probably won't but he doesn't have a say in what I do anymore."

"That's true. So do you want to do it?"

"Yeah sure. Let's do it."

It's been a few days since Harry and I have talked only because I have been avoiding him. He has been trying to talk to me, but I only talk to Anne and I decided to move out last night. After Stephanie left yesterday, I just couldn't stand being in that house anymore alone with him.

Anne just got back to the house interrupting Gemma and I.

"Hey Anne? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure honey."

"So I'm not sure if Harry has talked to you in the last few days, but he cheated on me, and I don't feel comfortable living here anymore with him, so Gemma offered me to live with her. Is that okay with you?"

"My son did what?!"

"Yeah, he cheated on me with that Carly girl."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." she said walking over to me to give me a hug.

"I mean, I'm okay. But, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be living here anymore."

"I understand sweetie. I'm going to miss having you around."

"I'll miss you too. I'll come by and visit though. And do you mind not telling Harry about this until I'm gone? He might try to stop me from leaving."

"Of course."


"Mum, why is Shaiden's room empty?"

"Oh, she moved out." she said coldly.

"She what?"

"How could you not tell? She hasn't been here for a week Harry."

"I know she hasn't been here but I didn't know she moved out. I thought she was just staying somewhere to avoid me. Where is she living now?"

"At Gemma's. And don't you dare go there and try to see her right now. If you want any chance of her forgiving you, you will give her space. Do I make myself clear?"

"Very." My mum scares me when she gets this upset. She hasn't been this upset with me since she found out I lost my virginity.

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