Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up and Mingi wasn't anywhere in sight. I checked my phone and everyone is talking about last night. I quickly fall back on the bed dreading the day to come. I finally get up and get ready for the day. I don't know what we had planned so I dressed casual. I go on Twitter and Mingi and I are all over it. All over it! I go on JB's page to see if he was saying anything about it and he wasn't. He was silent as a mouse.

I'm in the kitchen and I had a egg in my hand, ready to crack it. That's until I see a freaking tarantula crawling from behind the counter!!

"AHHHHH!!! OH MY GOD! SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" I jumped on the counter.

Mingi then comes in laughing at me historically. He then walks over to that THING and pets it.

"What the fuck are you doing? You've gone crazy!" I said not moving a inch.

"I thought it would be fun to wake up early for the day and surprise you. Surprise!" He continued to laugh.

What the fuck was so funny? Nothing! He walks over to me and places his hand on my thigh. I was still so mad at him but my anger faded. He quickly moved me a little and reached behind me where there was a camera. He smirked and started laughing again. Ugh! He's such a dick.

"You're a asshole!" I pushed his shoulder hard and walked passed him.

I forgot the spider was there and I started yelling again. It started to move closer to me and as much as I wanted to keep my composure I couldn't.

"For gods sakes take that thing out of here!!!" I backed up into Mingi by accident. He went over to it and picked it up and started to slowly walk away from me. Then he came running back! I hopped over the counter and ran my ass through the hallways. He continued to chase me! The members came out of their rooms to see what the commotion was all about. All they saw was me running for my life and him with a big spider. I ran to the first opened room I saw and shut the door FAST. I turned around and I see Yun-ho with a girl that's half naked. I barely even talk to this guy but it was awkward.

"You can't stay in there forever!" Mingi yelled from the other side of the door.

"Watch me!"

Yun-ho was laughing and the girl ran back in his room. Not too long after he follows. So I guess I'm just here now... I checked the peep hole and I don't see anyone. I listened and I couldn't hear anyone either. I took a chance and decided to make a run for it. Mingi then came from behind me...

"Boo!" He yelled.

I looked around him to make sure nothing was in his hand.

"Where's the spider?" I asked scared.

"It was Sans. I put it back in his room." He answered.

"Of course it was his..." I wasn't surprised.

After that we go to a few meeting and I practically was drooling through them. Very boring! While they were talking about boring stuff I would take my notebook out and draw. I loved drawing and when I got home I could color it or paint it.

"We have a photoshoot today. We have to go now or we'll be late." Mingi said trying to focus on the road.

"Are you listening? What are you even drawing anyways?" He asked trying to look.

I quickly grabbed it and continued to draw.

"I heard you." I answered

We arrive at the photoshoot and it looked so professional. I was rushed into makeup and so was Mingi. I came out feeling like a clown leaving a circus.

I go to Mingi's dressing room and I see a girl flirting with him. It's not my place to get jealous but I was... I walked away feeling a little shitty. Mingi wasn't really showing interest in her but he constantly has girls all over him and I need to accept that. I stand in a certain spot and pose like the man asked me too.


"Work it!"


Typical things to hype me up. Mingi then comes in and he looks GOOD! Scrumptious. I looked him up and down and continued to pose. He stood next to me and the photoshoot ended not too long after. I go to get changed and then I went in Mingis dressing room to find that same girl was all over him again. This time I walked in there. She didn't even acknowledge my existence. Rude!

"Hey baby, you ready?" I say with a cheeky smile.

The girl rolled her eyes and tried to play with his hair. He went to move her hand but I slapped it before he got the chance.

"Bitch, what the fuck?!" She shouted.

"Ever heard of don't touch what isn't yours?" I said while sitting on Mingi's lap.

I lean back against him and started playing with his hair. The girl quickly stomped away and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Didn't peg you as the jealous type." He said smirking.

"That's because I'm not..." I went to get up but he grabbed my waist and sat me back down. This time I was closer to his face then before. I sit there blushing like an idiot.

"You play a good girlfriend. Almost as if it was real." He leaned back.

"Well that's my job."

"What if I told you that maybe we can be something real one day... how would you feel?" He says softly biting his lower lip.

"I might take you up on that offer one day... if you're lucky." I put my hand on his chest to tease him.

I was playing with his hair something he loved. He started getting red. I get up making sure to glide my hand on his chest before I got up. As I was leaving the room he looked flustered.

"Jokes on you, I'm not even done. We're just getting started." I said laughing.

"You're a tease." He had his hands covering his face as a way to get himself together.

"I'll be in the car, muah!" I blew him a kiss and left.

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