Chapter 21

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A month went by and the baby continued to do good. Mingi and I haven't talked about our relationship or anything that was going on between us. I still never really talked to San after Mingis accident... it was just awkward. Mingi would not let me leave his sight for anything. I could barely shit in peace without him knocking on the door. It was becoming overbearing. I would constantly get frustrated with him over the littlest things and I always ended up apologizing. Most of the time it was me just being a bitch... I felt a little bad for him. I was upstairs in the kitchen eating my pickles when I saw a piece of bread on the floor. What the fuck... so random.

"Mingi!" I called.

He ran in the kitchen with his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Why is this on the floor? That's how bugs get in the house!" I scolded him.

"That wasn't me." He answered.

"Who was it then? Casper the ghost?" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Clean it!" I shouted.

I went outside to take a walk. As I'm walking outside my stomach started to hurt and I felt pressure on my lower half. I got a little scared and tried to run in the house.

"Where's Mingi?" Sandra appeared in front of me.

"U-upstairs.." I say out of breath.

"Why are you acting so strange...?" She said with a attitude.

I ignored her question and tried to pull myself together. As I was taking deep breaths I feel my water break. I started panicking! I never had a baby before.

"Call Mingi! Quick!" I yelled in a panic.

Sandra takes her phone out and dials his number... he didn't pick up. I tossed her my phone and he finally answered. I took the phone from her and told him to come downstairs. He rushed downstairs and hurried me to the car. As we were driving I felt like the baby was going to come out right then and there.

"HURRY UP!" I shouted.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Mingi yelled passing red lights.

I laid back trying to breath but it felt impossible. I was in so much pain. We arrived at the hospital and the doctors quickly took me in. As I'm laying in the hospital bed Mingi stayed by my side. Soon enough Cleo, San and the other members came as well. They couldn't come in the hospital room with us though. After a couple of hours the doctors seemed worried. They put me under some type of gas and made me fall asleep.

Mingi's POV
I'm standing next to Elena as she falls asleep.

"What's wrong? Will she be okay?!" I asked in a panic.

"Can we talk to you outside?" One of the doctors asked.

I rushed outside to talk to him and he doesn't have a good facial expression.

"I'm sorry... but there's a chance that either your wife or your daughter won't make it. We need you to pick who you would want us to save if it came down to it..." The doctor continued.

"What the fuck do you mean?! I want both of them alive! How am I supposed to make that kind of decision?" I angrily asked.

"I'm sorry but you have to make the choice now... or we'll lose them both." He then turned to look at the door.

"I-I ugh I don't know... save the baby..." I said unsure.

I didn't want any of them to die but if I chose Elena she would've never spoken to me again. This baby has become her world and she would've wanted me to pick the baby. The doctors tell me I have to stay here and wait. I go outside where San and them are and I updated them. Cleo started crying and San went to comfort her. I walked outside to the back of the building and I cried. I don't usually cry but I let out a lot of tears. I never expected something like this to happen. The doctors said everything was great when we were here last time. Now I might lose one of them. I sit out there for about 30 minutes trying to gather my thoughts. San came out not too long after.

"The doctors need to talk to you..." He said keeping his head down.

"I'll be there." I said shortly.

I go inside and a doctor is waving me over.

"Your baby made it... but your wife is still having trouble breathing on her own right now..." He hesitantly told me.

I was beyond upset... I'm happy my baby made it but what about Elena. I needed her to pull through. I couldn't be a single father. I don't know a thing about being a parent. I wanted her to teach me. I wanted to have a future with her. I wish I could've  told her this. I love her and I wanted her to know that. I'm not scared to be with her anymore... I love every single thing about her. I love her flaws and her imperfections.

"Where's Elena...?" I asked.

"Don't you want to see your baby first?" The doctor questioned.

"Where. Is. Elena." I asked again.

I couldn't even look at my own child right now. I knew that if I looked at her I would break... I would break and cry. I needed to stay strong right now. The doctor lead me to Elena and she was sleeping with a breathing tube. I started to cry. I kneeled down to her and I prayed that she would wake up.

"Please, please... wake up. I can't do this without you..." I pleaded.

She couldn't even hear me.

"Wake up! Dammit!" I shouted.

Nothing. She was out, and I was alone.

"Sir that's not helping..." A doctor said.

"Shut up! I didn't ask you! If she doesn't wake up I'm suing this whole got damn hospital!" I stood on my feet and stomped out of there.

I then went to the nursery to see my baby. She was so cute... she looked just like Elena. She had her curly hair. She didn't look like me but I knew she was mine. I felt it. No doubt about it. I sighed and picked her up. She was so peaceful and she quickly fell asleep on me. San entered quickly after me and he asked if he could hold her. I don't know if I was being a selfish asshole or not but I said no. I wanted to keep holding her in my arms. She was so small and she just made me feel at peace.

"She's really cute!" San shouted a bit too loud.

She didn't seem bothered by it and kept sleeping.

"Shhhhh... you'll wake her up." I whispered.

I didn't want to let go of her but I needed to check on Elena. I gave my baby to San and told him to be careful. I then went to check on Elena. I go out there and the doctors tell me they don't have a update for me yet.

"Please... do every and anything you can to make her be okay! She's my everything!" I shouted.

"We will do everything in our power." The doctors answered.

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