Chapter 20

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A few days passed and Mingi has not left my side. He also wouldn't let me go to work. Mingi sleeps on the couch because I feel like we should have some distance between us for a while. I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed and I heard a cabinet slam.

"Elena!!!" Mingi shouted through the apartment.

I rushed over there because it seemed important. When I got into the kitchen Mingi had a pill bottle in his hand, my sleeping pills.

"What is this?" He angrily asked me.

"My sleeping pills..." I cautiously said.

"Did a doctor proscribe you this? There's no name on it at all." He asked.

"No... b-" I was cut off.

"But nothing! Are these safe for the baby?!" He shouted.

"Stop freaking yelling! I'm not a child!" I went over to him and tried to snatch my pills back but he refused to give them to me.

"Give me my SHIT!" I screamed.

"No." He calmly said walking away.

He then ran to the bathroom and flushed my pills down the drain. I couldn't catch up to him.

"What. The. Fuck!" I screamed.

"I'm doing it for your own good." He then calmly walked away.

I don't know what got into me but I broke down and started crying. Mingi quickly turned around looking confused.

"Wh-why are you crying?" He asked shocked.

"I-I needed those!" I stuttered.

"If the doctor didn't proscribe them to you then they aren't good for you." He continued.

"Shut up!" I blurted at him.

I continued to sit there and cry while he just stood there staring at me.

"Do you sleep better with someone...?" He kneeled down to me.

"Y-yes... I sleep really good with Cleo." I tried to regain my composure.

"I can sleep with you if you want... I can stay on my side of the bed if you want me to." Mingi offered.

"That would be g-great." I answered.

Mingi helped me up and we went to bed. Something about sleeping with someone helps me. I don't know why... but it does. The next morning I get out of bed and Mingi is in the living room with Sandra. When did she get here...?

"Umm... hi. When did you get here?" I entered unannounced.

"Oh... look at you! You've gotten big." Sandra ignored my question.

"Yeah that's cute. When did you get here?" I repeated my question.

"I landed this morning. Mingi still has a job he needs to get back to." She gave me a sour face.

I rolled my eyes and went back in my room. I took a shower and to pass time I did a few braids in my hair. They were still talking and I wanted to go to Walmart to pick up a few things. I was heading out the door until Mingi stops me.

"Where are you going?" He curiously asked.

"I'm going to Walmart to pick up a few things." I answered shortly.

"I'll come!" He quickly follows behind me.

I looked at Mingi and pointed at Sandra so he can ask her to leave. She took the hint and walked passed us and left. On our way to Walmart I played my favorite songs! A few of his songs were on there.

"Are you my biggest fan?" He asked laughing.

"Only if you want me to be." I smirked.

We arrive to Walmart and I'm shopping like normal. It's a bit crowed today but not too bad. Many people were taking pictures and whispering behind our backs. I didn't mind much though... if I'm with him I have to accept this. I go in the frozen isle to pick up some toaster strudels and a pint of ice cream. While I was over there they had my favorite pickles! I went to grab them until a woman reached for my wrist.

"I seen it first!" She yelled.

"Well I grabbed it first!" I shouted back.

She then snatched the pickles from me and I threw a fit.

"Bitch they were mine!" I pushed her chest and went to grab it back but they ended up falling.

Those were the last ones! They were my favorite. I got so angry at the lady that I threw my ice cream at her. It opened and got all over her. The lady stomped away and came back with her boyfriend.

"What's the problem here?!" He shouted.

"Your bitchy girlfriend took my pickles!" I screamed.

"Don't disrespect my girlfriend! Do you know who I am?" He asked me poking my chest.

"I don't give a shit about who you are! Do you know who I am?!" I yelled back.

Mingi then came from behind me and addressed this guy.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Leave or me and you are going to have a problem." Mingi pushed the guys chest.

The woman from before went to throw something at me but luckily she missed. I took a pickle from off the floor and plucked it at her. I then proceeded to laugh in her face. Mingi pulled me away and we went back in the car. I really wanted those pickles though. Even when we were in the car I was going off. I was so heated to the point where I was tearing up.

"Are you o-" I cut him off.

"No! I want my pickles!" I screamed.

"I can order you some online... I can get you all the pickles you could ever want... just calm down." He said while driving.

"Okay..." I tried to calm myself down and after a while it worked.

We get back to my place and I go back to my room and the first thing I did was sleep. That's all I wanted to do.

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