Chapter 15

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Mingi's POV
I woke up with Elena in my arms. I quickly got up and threw some clothes on and left. I don't know what I was thinking... I can't play with her feelings like this. I don't think I can handle a relationship right now. I don't even think I would really have time for one. I'm constantly working and it wouldn't work out. Last night... was one of the best nights of my life. But it's also going to be the last one with her for a while. I decided to go and just distract myself with other things.

Elena's perspective
I wake up and turn and find myself all alone... what did I expect? Did I expect him to stay? Why would he? I felt embarrassed... I let myself get used and that's on me. I got up and rushed to my room and just stayed in there. I didn't want to leave... I took a shower and stood in bed. As I'm watching tv the reality really hits me. I'm mopping around over a guy that doesn't care about me. I look stupid. I'm not about to sit here and be played. I haven't got not one text or call from this man. I got dressed really nice and I straightened my hair too. I wore a short black dress with small heels. Then I was ready to be out the door. My plan was to leave and go to a club or something. Anything is better than sitting here drowning in my tears. So I did just that and I left. I went to the closest club I could find and I had fun. I didn't drink any alcohol but did dance and have fun. I look over to my left and I see Mingi at the bar. He looked a bit drunk. There was two girls in front of him trying to give him a drink. I look at the drink and one of the girls put something in it. Now this situation has my attention. A man I was casually talking to was waving his hand in my face but I quickly brushed it off. I went over there and grabbed the drink they were trying to give him.

"What the hell!" One girl shouted.

I took the drink and threw it in her face.

"Bitch!" I shouted at her.

I went to grab Mingi's arm but he took it back quickly.

"Stay a-away from me!" Mingi yelled.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I questioned him.

I tried to grab him again because clearly he wasn't thinking straight. He pushed me back but not hard. He then ran from me... he literally got on his two legs and sprinted away from me. I sigh and run after him. This is ridiculous... he's a fast runner and I wasn't able to keep up. I really tried but I stopped to catch my breath.

I look up and he's about to run on the highway so I tried to catch up with him. A car was speeding and hit him then drove off. I rushed over there and I was in tears. I looked at him and I wasn't even sure if he was breathing. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the ambulance. They came shortly after and took him away. I asked multiple times what hospital he was going to be at and they finally told me. I rushed to the hospital only to be kept waiting... I was so anxious. I took my phone out and called San and told him what happened. He started yelling at me through the phone and then he hung up. Most of the words I couldn't even make out. A doctor finally came out and I stood up fast.

"Is he okay?!" I frantically asked.

"We still don't know yet... we think he'll make a recovery..." The doctor continued.

I started crying even harder... he's not even sure. What if Mingi doesn't make it out of this hospital. He should've just came with me! I felt guilty... maybe I could've ran faster or tried harder. I don't even know. My makeup was running and I felt like I was suffocating. I walked out of the hospital and just took a moment to breathe. I tried to get my thoughts together but they were all over the place. I go back inside and a doctor is waiting to talk to me.

"He's going to make a full recovery. He might need to stay here for a few weeks. Depending on when he wakes up." The doctor said.

"Thank you! When will he wake up?" I asked

"Probably not for another few days..." he said unsure.

Hours past and I went home and tried to sleep. It was impossible to fall asleep so I just took a shower and went back to the hospital. I kept repeating this pattern for another 6 days. Each and everyday I began to feel sick to my stomach. I physically felt sick. I was constantly throwing up and my sleep schedule was fucked. I was a wreck. San took a plane here as soon as he found out. He was upset with me but I couldn't understand why... I didn't even try to understand anymore. He was giving me the silent treatment. His parents came almost everyday as well. They were really upset but they were nice about it. On day six I go in the hospital, I'm waiting to go in and see him. I started to feel lightheaded and I passed out shortly after. I woke up in a hospital bed with a nurse beside me.

"What happened?" I asked touching my head.

"You fainted, you need to take care of yourself!" She said swinging her clipping board around.

"I-I am." I answered back.

"You have to do a better job! It's not just you you're looking out for." She said smiling.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Honey, you're pregnant... I thought you knew. By all the signs." She continued.

I quickly jumped out of the hospital bed...

"What do you mean pregnant!?" I shouted in a panic.

"You need to lay back down, it's okay. You are going to be okay..." She was trying to calm me down.

I was so scared... I never pictured myself having a baby this early in life. Shit I never pictured myself having a baby at all. I started flipping my shit. I'm not ready to be a mom. Mingi didn't even want to be with me, god knows what he would do if he found out. Would he want me to get a abortion? So many thoughts were running through my head and I couldn't process it. I was crying really bad and I left the hospital running. I went back to the house and sat down and really tried to think. I don't have anyone I can really count on right now. I'm alone in this and I don't know what to do. I would never get rid of it. It's my fault so I need to take accountability for it. I packed my clothes and I left. I made sure not to leave anything and I went back home. I couldn't do this anymore. It was eating me up.

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