Chapter 17

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Elenas perspective
A few days later I decided to text Cleo. I missed her so much, more than ever. She was always there for me when I needed her. I couldn't have her fly over here yet because this situation is still new. I wanted to wait a few months for Mingi to forget about me and we can just forget about this ever happening. I hope he's okay though... Cleo told me he woke up which is great. I had nothing much to do so I just filled out two more job applications because why not. I went to the grocery store and stocked up on food so I wouldn't have to leave my house for a while.

Mingi's POV

I couldn't find this woman anywhere! It was driving me insane. I drove to Cleos house with San and I practically broke her damn door down.

"Seriously you need to relax..." San continued.

"Shut up. I don't want to hear shit right now... especially from you." I blurted.

Cleo finally opened the door and let us in... I was sitting in her dinning room and I just had a feeling she knows where she's at.

"Where is Elena?" I angrily asked.

"Um... I don't know. She didn't tell me anything." Cleo said nervously.

"Stop lying! I know you know!" I shouted.

"I don't know shit! Plus I thought you wanted her gone?" She said sitting down.

"What the fuck did she tell you?" I stood up.

"Nothing..." She tucked her phone in her pocket.

"Give me your phone." I demanded.

"What? No..." She refused.

"Yes! Give it!" I tried to reach for it but she quickly pulled it away.

"Dammit! I know you know where she is! Just tell me." I shouted.

"Listen calm the fuck down... acting like this isn't going to solve anything." San pushed me back.

I felt like I was losing my mind.

"Fuck this!" I stormed out of her house.

I was trying to think of any place Elena could be. I couldn't think of anything. I went home and just laid down, feeling like I couldn't get out of bed anymore. I texted Sandra telling her to track Elenas phone. Her exact words were... "I'll see what I can do." I hope she can do something. Elenas phone is off, it won't even ring. Wooyoung came over and tried to get me to go places with him but I refused. He just stood with me and we talked. I was so mad at San. He should've told me when we were at the hospital. He had plenty of time.

Three months later, Elenas perspective

I always had sleeping problems but lately it's been so much worse. I went to the doctors for sleeping pills and the ones they gave me weren't helping. I found a way to get it under the counter... meaning I'm not really supposed to have it. The pills helped me sleep though so I'm fine with it. They aren't bad for the baby either. I got two jobs! One at a bank and another one as a waitress.

They're both fairly easy so I was happy about it. I have a little bit of a baby bump but nothing too big yet. I'm so excited to find out the gender. I started saving up money so I can provide for him or her. Since last month I've been flying Cleo out so we can spend time together. She wants to move out here but I convinced her not to. She has a whole life out there and she needs to stay there. I still constantly think about Mingi... he's really all I've been thinking about. I try not to but it's hard when I'm carrying his child. I go to work everyday and I usually manage to avoid many people seeing me. Today I wasn't very lucky though... on my way to work a man approached me.

"Aren't you that girl Mingi dated?" He asked.

"What... no." I bluntly answered.

"You so are!" He caught on to my lie.

I quickly ran from him but he managed to take a few pictures of me. I rushed into work out of breath.

"What happened to you?" My coworker asked.

"Nothing... haha. Just didn't want to be late." I responded.

That was the end of that conversation. Later that day I go on my phone to see I'm trending... again. People are starting rumors about me and my coworker. They didn't put much information though. Actually! They put I live in NewYork. Ugh! I should've been smarter. Hopefully Mingi doesn't see it.

Mingis POV
I checked my phone to see its 40 degrees outside... freezing. Wooyoung then runs in my room practically running into me.

"What the hell are you running for?" I stood up.

"I know where Elena is!" He shouted.

"Where?!" I didn't hesitate to ask.

"She's in NewYork... I don't know where though. She was trending with this guy. Never seen him in my life." Wooyoung adds.

I rush to take my phone back out and he's right... she's with some guy. He looks like a bozo, clown. I can feel my face turning red as I started to become flustered. I needed to figure out where she lives but only one person knows. I go back to Cleos house hoping for some answers but she didn't open the door. I called San and he told me she went away for the weekend. I asked him where did she go. He kept questioning me and I grew impatient with him. So went to his side of the apartment and asked him in person.

"Where is your girlfriend? What hotel is she staying at?" I asked.

"Why does it matter? You're being ridiculous." He continued.

"Just fucking tell me!" I screamed.

He refused to tell me. So I was once again stuck in a dead end. I wasn't that mad this time though. Because if Elena slipped up once there's a big chance that she would do it again. I just need to wait... and when I find her she's coming back home.

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