Chapter 14

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The house was so big... I don't know if I should even call it a house. Mingi showed me to my room and it was humongous.

"Why do you need all of this space?" I asked puzzled.

"The real question is, why not?" He responded.

He left me alone so I could shower and get ready for bed. He had a bunch of security downstairs. I wanted to look at the town tonight but I knew he probably wasn't going to let me. I took a shower and braided my hair in two. I put some shorts on and a tank top. I wanted to look around the house so I did that. Mingi was sleeping, I think. I'm not entirely sure. I kept wondering around and I ended up in a picture room. It had pictures from when he was a little kid. He looked so happy, it was so cute. I left that room and found my self in a theater room. This room was very big and spacious. Next to this room was a gym. The gym was probably the biggest room in the house. It had so much equipment, most of this stuff I don't even know how to use. I tried to walk out the gym but Mingi was blocking the doorway.

"Nosy are we?" He put his arm across the doorframe.

"Maybe a little... maybe." I laughed.

"It's still early want me to show you around?" He offered.

"Actually yes!" I happily took his offer.

He shows me around the house and it was so big! I know I keep saying it but the more I'm in here the bigger it gets. We stop at my door and I realized the tour was over.

"What about your room?" I asked looking down the hall.

"My room? It's right across from yours." He smirked.

"Can I see it?" I wanted to see his room because I know a bedroom says a lot about a person.

He started walking towards his room and it was really clean. You could lick the floors if you really wanted to. I walked in front of him and he had a glass wall. I thought that was so cool. He had curtains to cover it though, I'm guessing for privacy reasons. I turn to look at his dresser and there's a picture of him and a girl. She was white and had really blonde hair. She had a tattoo across her chest but I couldn't read what it said.

"Who's the girl in this picture?" I didn't want to sound nosy... but I was curious.

"Um... she's my ex." He hesitated to tell me.

"Oh... well, do you still have feelings for her?" These are things I need to know.

"No! Definitely not..." He took the picture and threw it in the trash.

"Okay well... I'm gonna go to my room now. Thanks for showing me around." I turn to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

"Don't go... I don't want you to think I have feelings for her. Because I promise you I don't." He quickly responded.

"Okay... I'll stay." I closed his door.

"She cheated on me... and then I found out she was only using me for my money." He puts his head down.

"You know you're worth more than your money right? If people only talk to you because of that then they need to go! You are a sweet person and she's a user." I gave him a hug, he looked like he needed one.

"Thank you... she did a lot of other things but I tried to forgive her... we just didn't work out." He pushed me away a little and stepped back.

I can tell he was hurting...

"Is she the only one who treated you like that?" I asked stepping a bit closer.

"No... a lot of women have. That's why I'm not sure I want to get in another relationship." He took a deep breath and pushed his hair back.

"I hope you know that I would never play with your heart like that..." I walk over to hug him again but he quickly backed away.

He sat on his bed with his hands on his face. I can tell he was hurting and I wish I could've took his  pain away. I go over to him and I sit on his lap and give him a tight hug. I wanted him to know I was here for him.

"Whats your story...? If you don't mind me asking.." He softly asked.

"My story...? Umm... nothing really special." I said touching his face.

"You can talk to me just like I can talk to you..." He grabbed my waist.

"Okay well... my mom left me and my dad when I was a little kid. I'm guessing to get away from my dad. You've met my dad and you can see he's not the most stable."

Mingi shook his head so I continued to talk.

"He's an alcoholic and when he drinks he's really aggressive. This is why I have problems with men because of my dad. When he was drunk he would hit me and talk down on me. He blames me for my mother leaving..." I started to cry and I really tried not to.

Mingi pulled me really tight for a hug and he kissed my forehead.

"Shhhh... it's okay. I'm here..." He squeezed me really tight.

Talking about it made me feel a lot better.

"What else did your ex do?" I asked him.

"She tried to get with my brother..." Mingi said with disgust.

I was even shocked... that's really low.

"That is so wrong..." I said standing up.

Mingi took my hand and sat me back down.

"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" He asked me.

"I thought you would never ask!" I laughed.

I tried to make the moment less dull. He didn't comment on what I said, he just held me. A few minutes later I lay in his bed and he goes to the bathroom. He was in there for like ten minutes... usually he would've been out. I just went on my phone to pass time. Next thing I know I feel him get on the bed. Before I could say anything he started kissing my neck slowly. I wasn't sure if he was teasing me but I liked it so I told him to keep going. He did just that, his kisses started going lower and lower and I got excited. I sat up and I pushed him back and I started kissing him. He was so attractive... hard to stay away from him. I took his shirt off and he took mine off. Everything quickly escalated. After my shirt then went my pants. After my pants went my underwear and same for him. He smoothly got on top of me and dominated my body. He kissed every single part of me leaving hickies almost everywhere. He explored every single inch of my body. Our bodies danced together...

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