Zuko x honour fanfic chapter 1

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Hi! This is just a funny short story, taken from a tumblr post. I don't know the @ of the original person who came up with this, but if anyone does, please let me know! Thanks for reading

Edit: thank you thank you for 300 reads! And now 400 damn!

The shrill school bell rang out loudly, waking me. I grunted, not wanting to get up. Then I realised where I was.
'Oh no. Oh no this isn't good.' I muttered, rubbing my eyes and seeing the teacher cleaning the work off the whiteboard. Great. Now I would have to explain next lesson why I don't have any of my work done.

I thought I could get out of class and maybe get one of my friends to help me, but no such luck. My teacher noticed me trying to make a quick exit and called me over.

'Zuko, you know what this means.' She said sternly. I groaned and looked down. 'Yes, miss.'
'You are off the honour roll. I'm sorry to say it, since you were previously one of my best students, but your grades have been slipping and this is the 3rd time you have fallen asleep in class.'

I nodded in defeat, then walked into the school hallway. How was my father going to react? Maybe he could get my honour-that is, my spot on the honour roll- back.

I had to get my honour back. That's it. I would start going to bed earlier, studying harder. Anything I could to get that spot back.

This wasn't even my fault.

I stormed down the hallway to locker 557. I slammed my hand into the derpy kid standing there. 'Aang, you twit. Because of you I've lost my spot on the honour roll!'
He shook his head . 'I dunno what you're talking about, Zuko.' He mumbled, not looking me in the eye.
I rolled my eyes. 'As if! You made me tutor you until 11 30 last night. I wasn't in bed until 1 am!'

He laughed nervously. 'Right, that. It's just that I really need to pass this exam-'
I cut him off. 'No, but you didn't think about what I need. I need my honour. My honour roll position. And you're going to help me get it back.' I said the last part with a evil laugh, then dragged him through the front door and into my car.

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