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Haruhi's POV

I looked at Tsuki who was telling all about her day as a host. It was really cute, she was mentioning how the others called her an innocent type or something like that. I saw her twin bubble braids slightly bouncing as she was talking. We arrive at Ouran and notice how they stare at her; and a boy walks over to us.

"Hi Haruhi, Hi Tsuki! Are you going to the host club today, Tsuki?" She nods and I see her cheeks turn a slight pink as he begins to compliment her; and say he was going to commit to going there if she was a full time host. Soon he starts to talk to her about how she was such a good host and how she really did a number on him. I smirk but I feel Tsuki hold a tight grip on my hand, she looks at me pleading and I nod.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have to go to class. Really sorry." We walk inside the hallway; hearing the whispers and murmurs. More and more stare at us, and I watch her space out. Her grip gets tighter; I drag her away to a secluded hallway. I hug her tightly and try to calm her down.

"Focus on my breathing, try to match my pace. It's okay, you're safe, no one is going to hurt you." She relaxes in my embrace and I check her pulse. Her breathing returns to normal, and she looks at me with tears. I hug her and she looks at me with her pretty light blue eyes. We walk back to the classroom and see Honey and Mori waiting. She looks at Honey who looks at Mori, with an odd gaze. I let Mori know that she is kinda anxious and a bit shaken up. They take her inside and I walk to class. I enter and feel more stares than usual. How odd.. I see the twins stare at me, and I sit in my seat.

"Haruhi, I have a question. How do you know Tsuki?"

"Oh she is my sister.." They looked at me and before they could ask me anything else; the teacher came inside the classroom. The teacher goes on with the lesson and I think back on how I met her.


I remember it was during the time my mom was still alive. I was small, like four when my mom came home with her in her arms. She looked so skinny; like a skeleton. She was dirty all over and her eyes were so empty. I saw my mom cradling her in her arms and humming softly.

"Mama!" I remember her smile as she picked me up using her right arm to hold me up. Tsuki looked at me with sadness. My mom took her to the bathroom and my dad was with my mom; kissing and hugging her. Tsuki came out of the bathroom, and I saw her eyes; they were pale blue. My mom made dinner and I watched Tsuki who was staring blankly at the ground. She began to eat and my mom smiled towards her.

"Mama, who is she?"

"She is your new big sister. Go on; introduce yourself to her." She looks at me, and bows.

"I am Tsuki, it is very nice to meet you." Though she sounded friendly; it was obvious that she felt weird being here. We went to sleep and I heard sniffles. I looked to see her crying; curled in a ball. I tap her; and hug her. She hugged me back and we both slept peacefully.

End of Flashback

I walk to the third library as Hikaru and Karou are asking how she is my sister. I open the door and see Tsuki sitting by the couch. She hugs me, and the twins are asking her questions.

"You didn't mention that you and Haruhi were siblings! Why didn't you mention this important piece of information?" She smiles sheepishly and I grab her hand.

"Sorry, I didn't think it was that important." They began to ask her what it was like living with me when she saw the time. We got the instant coffee ready alongside the cake. She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Are you ready?" I nod and we look as the door opens.


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