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 Author's POV

 In Lobelia Academy, there was a girl staring outside the window. Her short bobbed brown blew softly in the wind. A pair of girls stared at her, seeing the long face she had. They stared at the empty couch, remembering the soft laughter of when she was here. There was a knock at the door; and a small creak was heard.

"Miss Benibara, you have an appointment to keep today. You have to be present for the play taking place in the theater." Benibara looks away from the window and nods. The girl leaves and Benibara looks at her two best friends. It was Chizuru and Hinako, who also shared her sad gaze. They nod and they too get ready for the play held in the theaters. Once they are finished; they walk outside and get in the car greeting their fans. Inside the car, their somber appearance dimmed the atmosphere. Benibara looks at the garden as they drive out of the school remembering her smile and bright light.

No words were shared inside the car ride. They soon go to a theater with statues outside of the entrance. One of the statues were two girls dancing together, and Benibara looked away. Hinako and Chizuru walked in and saw the lovely colors that decorate the inside of the theater. They can imagine her complementing the colors and telling them how pretty it is. They went to their section and watched the play. It was a tragedy of a girl that fell in love with her friend and now has to watch her friend be wooed by someone else.

The villain convinces the girl to ruin her friend's chances and in a plot twist the villain uses the girl to try to get with her friend. Chizuru watches the main actor, Sakura sing her heart out as the protagonist, and there as the friend was Mion. Hinako slightly glares at Mion, feeling annoyed to see her play the friend. The play ends, and Benibara notices Hinako walking slower than usual.

"Hinako, are you okay?" She looks at Benibara; and nods her head. The two girls continue on talking as they walk while Hinako was deep in her mind. Tsuki, her friend was hurt and she couldn't help her. Tsuki never really told her but she started to take small hints, here and there. They arrived towards the back of the stage, and saw Mion happily chatting with Sakura and Benibara. She was trying to be happy, preppy and bright but it didn't do anything to that effect. Hinako saw her for what she was; a copycat; a liar and a carbon copy. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Chizuru. A concerned glance, and Chizuru saw the sadness in her eyes. Both girls distance themselves from the trio and walk outside.

"Hinako, are you okay? What happened?" Hinako hugs Chizuru, and she embraces her back. Tears pour from Hinako's eyes and Chizuru softly rocks her.

"I miss her, it was my fault for not trying harder. She could've been here with us, and she would've been here laughing like before. I'm a mean person Chizuru, I made her run from us; I-" Chizuru cuts her off and shakes her head.

"You didn't make her leave Hinako. She left on her own accord, if you were a mean person then why would she send you letters and pastries to update you on her whereabouts?" Chizuru inquires and Hinako nods. It was true, she would send them letters about how she was doing and would send gifts here and there. Hinako wipes her tears and smiles at Chizuru.

"Why don't we visit her?" Chizuru nods and both girls wait for Benibara, Sakura and Mion to come out. Benibara looks at the pair and sees them talking. They enter the car till they stop in front of a bakery.

"Excuse me but can you please drop us off here?" The driver stops; Hinako and Chizuru get their bags.

"Why here?"

"I hear they have good pastries, we'll see you back at school." Benibara nods and watches the two girls walk toward the bakery. The only thing on her mind was how she was doing and if she misses her a bit like she did. 

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