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A/N: For the readers that are still reading, thank you for your support! You're nice keep going!🥰🥰🥰 🤩🤩💜💜❤️❤️❤️)

Author's POV

Tsuki was listening to the boy's stories, giggling and laughing with them. The others watch as roses surround her, too mesmerized to look away. She's beautiful; really beautiful. The twins felt their hearts beat as she was starting to charm them with her laughter and reactions.

"My, that sounds so interesting. Do you have any more stories to tell?" They shake their heads, and Tsuki nods.

"Well, are there any stories you would like for me to tell you?" Instantly all the boys start to ask questions about her. She begins to tell some stories here and there and they listen intently.

"Wasn't it hard for you to be separated from your younger sister?" She nods, and stares at them softly. Their hearts melted at her cute reaction. 

"It was; especially after the death of our mother.. But she pulled me through and helped me overcome that." Mori smiles and is about to get some cake when he sees Honey's sparkle. He clutches onto Usa-Chan, too transfixed to look away. Tsuki continues till their appointment ends. She curtsies towards them, thanking them for their time. She relaxes and goes to sit down at the table. She begins her homework, and looks at the time on her phone. She hears a ring; and sees Haruhi.

"Hello?" They watch her exhausted eyes light up, and a  soft smile rises on her lips.

"Mhmm, I got it. Did you eat? Oh you did that's good. No I am at the host club; yes of course I will. Yes I'll make sure to get it. Yes, bye." She hangs up and looks at the eyes staring at her. She walks away till she feels someone grab her hand. She yanks her hand away and sees Honey behind her. He had a hurt look in his eyes and she tried to apologize.

"I'm so sorry H-"

"It's fine.." She feels bad but he looks at her with a soft glimmer in his light brown eyes. Her heart skips a beat, and she became tongue tied.

"Do you want to get some cake?" Tsuki bites her lip but nods. She hands her hand out, and he gently grabs it. She was led to a table with two pieces of cake on it. She saw two cups of tea as well, and she was about to sit down when she felt her chair being pulled away. She looks to see Honey pull the chair for her; and she sits down. It was the first time in a long time; being treated like this. Her heart felt heavy but ignored it to not worry Honey.

Her chair is pulled in and sees Honey walking to his seat. He sits down and looks at her. Her soft blue eyes shimmer and she smiles as they eat cake together. Slowly he coaxed her to speak with him, and soon laughter filled the room. Mori's face had a small smile on his face; enjoying the fact Honey was getting along with someone else. Before they realized it, the bell rang and Tsuki got up. She got her things, and left back to class.

Honey watches her long raven hair blow in the soft wind; rose petals behind her. The day passes and Tsuki walks back to her home. She sees Haruhi eating some soup as she looked better. A quick hug and hands her homework.

"Tsuki, don't you have work today?" She shakes her head.

"No, I asked Minako to cover my shift. I said that I'll cover for her tomorrow. She said it was fine. I want to make sure you're okay." Haruhi nods and Tsuki rambles about her day. Haruhi feels comfort at the fact her sister seems to be in a better place mentally. Her sister's forearms show, and sees the scars left all over skin. She got sad but tried to listen to her sister as she talked about how she'll be part of the host club. She hears sniffles and sees Tsuki crying. She hugs her, whispering soft comforting words into her ear. Tsuki hugs her back, leaning on her sister for comfort.

Haruhi knew that Tsuki has always tried to handle things by herself and she did too, but would try to encourage her to lean on her. Haruhi hums, rocking her in her arms. Though Haruhi was the younger sister between the two, she would take care of Tsuki. Tsuki was forced to grow up at a young age and wasn't used to being taken care of. Haruhi would allow Tsuki to do the same, slowly gaining her sister's trust over time. A fire fuels inside Haruhi's heart at Tsuki's pain.

She promised no one would hurt her sister like that again, never again till her last dying breath will she allow Tsuki to be hurt like that again. Tsuki kisses her cheek and falls asleep in her arms. Haruhi carries her and both fall asleep in the other's arms. Haruhi closes her eyes; feeling at peace. 

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