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Tsuki's POV


I was laying the grass with Chizuru and Hinako, I hear them talking and feel my body relax. I look to the other side and didn't see Benibara or Sakura. I try not to cry, forcing myself to swallow my tears. I hear soft footsteps and giggles, and feel someone's shadow over my face. I see Mion smiling towards me, holding onto Benibara and Sakura. They glare towards me, and I look away. I get up; only to see Hinako and Chizuru get up too. 

"Where are you going Tsu?" I smile, feeling my jaw tighten.

"Oh I need to catch up on some studying, please excuse me.." I curtsy and grab my things. I feel their eyes follow me and I walk away fast. I feel my heartbeat speed up, and run away from the garden. My vision was blurred and see tears. I go into a hidden corner and quietly sobbed. My chest ached but I tried to calm myself down before I made a scene. I hear soft laughter only to see Benibara and Mion. I watch Benibara twirl Mion; who was laughing. She clung to her, and I feel our eyes meet. 

"Benibara; why do you always glare at Tsuki? She didn't do anything wrong?" 

"That selfish b*tch is the reason why you're hurting and in pain. What do you mean she didn't do anything wrong?" I cover my mouth and see an evil smile on her lips. 

"Ahh I see.. you're right; thank you Benibara." I see those cold eyes go soft, and my heart broke. I watch them walk away and she looks back at me. I watch her open those lips, smiling.

"Checkmate; I win.." She mouths.

I awoke with tears, and found myself on a covered bed. I held on to Usa-chan and I hugged him tighter. The door opened and I saw Haruhi. She ran to me and hugged me. She tried to soothe me but I couldn't relax. I heard various footsteps and peeked at Honey and Mori. Haruhi left me to get some tea and Honey walked over to me. He opens his arms and I hug him. He soothes me and rocks me.

"No one is going to hurt you.. I promise."

'I wonder how long it will take for you to break your promise.. You're lying.'

"Don't lie to me Honey.." He stared at me and Haruhi came back. She handed me some tea. I slowly drank it till she checked my temperature. Once she finished, I lay down on the bed. Honey looks at me, with a sad look in his eyes. He lays beside me and plays with my hair. I flinch but I let him. A soft song comes out of his lips and I melt.

"Tsuki, why do you think I am lying?" I look away from him but he pulls me close. He looks into my eyes and I slowly remember her eyes. She was sweet, soft, so beautiful; shining like a star. I felt a finger run under my eyes and saw him wipe my tears. I hug him, feeling my tears run. We lay together, feeling as if I were on a cloud.

"How did I end up on the bed?"

"After hosting you fell asleep. You looked really tired, and I gave you Usa-chan since you were breathing heavily." I glance at the door to see the twins peeking in. I stand up and the twins walk over to me.

"You left your phone on the table; someone was calling you earlier." I nod and slip on my shoes. I walked over to the table and saw 3 missed calls with 1 voicemail. I listen to the voicemail, only to hear Minako letting me know if I can cover her shift. I texted her to let know that I was okay with it. I feel some stares and see the twins alongside Tamaki staring at me.

"Can I help you?"

"A-Are you Haruhi's sister?" I nod and I see Tamaki in front of me.

"I see, I am Haruhi's father, well not really her father but someone who has feelings for her like a father!" I stare at him, now dumbfounded.

"Are you serious?" He nods and I look at him weirded out. He has a crush on Haruhi and he doesn't even realize it. I noticed the twins, and saw the stars in their eyes as they stared at Haruhi.

'My sister has so many admirers, she's so popular with the ladies and males..' I feel a looming presence to see Mori.

"What happened, Mori?"

"Are you now friends with Mitsukuni, Tsuki?" I nod and he smiles at me. I heard laughter and I saw Honey talking with Haruhi. He looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes and my heart skipped a beat. He was like a butterfly, so beautiful; so free. He runs over to me, and spins me around.

"Tsu-chan, do you want some cake?" I nod and he twirls me in his arms. I begin to feel dizzy and he lets me down. We walk over to the table by the window and begin to eat the cake. I feel my heart not feeling heavy.

'Maybe with him and the others by my side; maybe I could let go of my old star..'

"Tsuki." I look at him and see his eyes stare into mine.

"Aren't you going to eat your cake?" I nod and eat my cake. He then waves a strawberry in my face with his fork.

"You can have my strawberry." I nod and eat the strawberry, and he begins to feed me cake. I hum, and he sits closer to me.

"Is it good?" I nod and we begin to talk, and my body feels more at peace. As the talk continues; I didn't want this to end. I was enjoying myself.

'Please don't let this end, let me have this moment to myself.. Let me keep him by my side..' 

A/N: Hello my Lovelies, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope you have a good day/night wherever you guys are at! You are a beautiful human being that deserves love and respect! Once more thank you for checking this story out and hope you enjoy it! Bye my lovelies!!

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