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Author POV

The soft cherry blossoms petals blew in the air. The butterflies danced alongside the bees to the flowers. Tsuki was happily walking to the third library, a skip in each step. Her long raven hair was split into two braids, her bangs slightly curled. She opens the door to see everyone; all dressed as dolls; happily chatting over tea and cake. The twins light up and walk over to her.

"Finally, it took you long enough. Now let's get you ready for today." They drag her to the dressing rooms. She was taken to get her makeup ready. Soft blush, gradient lips and mascara to make her eyes seem a little more doll-like. Once she was done, she was dressed in a beautiful dress; appearing like a doll. The twins place her hair into a bow, and take her outside. The others gasp causing her cheeks flush and look away from their stares. The door opens and the host club gets ready to greet their guests.

"Welcome." Tsuki was currently on the couch with a couple of boys surrounding her. Haruhi looks over to see Tsuki laughing. A soft smile was on her face and she felt a tug on her sleeve.

"Haruhi, is something the matter?" She shakes her head and continues their conversation. Tsuki, on the other hand, admired her sister's conversation skills as she charmed the other women in her presence. It always amazed her when she saw the sparkles and roses petals surrounding her sister. A tap on her shoulder made her turn and saw one of her clients pouting.

"Tsuki, did you even hear a word I said?" Tsuki turns her body towards him, and looks into his eyes. She frowns slightly and grabs his hands, bringing them close to her chest, at the top of her heart.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said. Forgive me, but I knew if I looked longer my heart would stop beating due to your immense beauty.." The boy gasped; his own heartbeat sped up. 

"Won't you tell me again?" He nods and restarts the conversation. This move didn't go unnoticed. Kyoya watched slyly as she managed to not only calm the customer but charm him as well. He gave a side eye to Honey who looked at Tsuki as he ate a piece of cake.

'Hmm now that is an interesting development.' Tsuki curtsies as she ends her appointment. She begins to pick up the plates when she bumps into someone. She awaited the sound of breaking plates but it never came. She found herself in Honey's arms who was placing plates on his other hand. Rose petals surround him and she feels her cheeks getting warm. Honey puts the plates down but continues to hold onto her. She tries to put the plates in her hand down but he grabs them and puts them down instead.

The others notice and Haruhi was about to run but was held back by Kyoya. She nods, realizing and watches Honey put Tsuki down.

"Are you okay Tsu-chan?" She nods and smoothes her dress. Tsuki watches him get all of her plates and walk toward the kitchen.

"Honey, I can do it just fine." He shakes his head and looks at her.

"But I want to do it for you instead. Can't I?" She nods and watches him put all her dishes in the sink. Haruhi notices how red Tsuki was and sees her eyes filled with stars. Once Honey is done, he grabs Tsuki's hand and leads her to the garden. The others follow all the while Tsuki feels her heartbeat getting faster. Soon he takes her to all the flowers, watching her tough exterior melt away. Harui notices the cold behavior Tsuki shows was slowly melting away and the old Tsuki was coming back. The twins noticed Haruhi's staring and were confused.

"What's bothering you Haruhi?" She looks at them confused but shakes her head.

"Nothing; I'm just happy Tsuki feels comfortable with you guys. She's returning to her bubbly self..." They heard laughter to see Tsuki giggling up a storm with Honey and Mori. Tamaki joins in only to get tagged and is currently after Honey and Tsuki as they ride on Mori. He yells at them to play fair but she sticks her tongue out at him.

"That's not fair! You have Mori-senpai to help you out!"

"Too bad!" Haurhi laughs and the host club falls into this peaceful atmosphere. It seemed too perfect to Tsuki but she knew she was just paranoid. No; nothing was going to happen. 

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