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( I'm sorry if it's cringe, and I accept constructive criticism. Enjoy! Music if you want to listen while reading. )

Tsuki POV

I was holding hands with Haruhi as we were walking to school. I felt a pit in my stomach as I saw the gazes girls and boys gave me. My heart started to beat faster and my palms were getting sweaty. My vision was beginning to get blurry. Haruhi stopped and looked at me.
"Tsuki.. Calm down. Focus on my voice, I want you to breath in and out." I started to breath in and out. My heart was not beating so fast. She hugged me, I hid my face in her neck.

"Come on Tsuki, I have to drop you to your class."

"I don't want to go, can I come to your class?"

"The teacher is going to tell you that you have to go to your class. Sorry I can't sneak you into my class. "

Haruhi and I were walking till we arrived in front of a classroom. My hand gripped onto her hand even tighter. She looked at me, my heart was beating fast, as she smiled at me. My hand trembled as I went to reach for the door handle. I got the door handle, and saw Haruhi also grabbed the door handle, she looked to reassure me. I opened the door to see a bunch of kids talking,laughing and sometimes yelling. I looked at Haruhi, she motioned me to go inside. I shook my head, I'm not ready to part with her. She got on her knees holding my hands, I felt my face getting hot. I felt everyone was looking at me, I felt weird with them looking me. Haruhi lifted my face and rubbed my eyes.

"Tsuki when class ends I'm going to leave to go to my club. I want to know if you want to come with me? If you don't I can go and tell them that I'm going to be missing so we can be together during lunch." If I say that I don't want to go then she's going to miss and she'll still be in debt. If I do go then what will I do so I don't have to bother Haruhi during her club. Oh, I'll just draw with my sketch notebook and check out some books to read. I won't bother Haruhi then she won't find me an annoyance.

"Haruhi is it ok that I go to the library then meet you where the club is being held at?"

"You sure that you don't want me to walk you there? I can be a little late, its fine."

"Just walk me to the library and I'll meet you where the club is being held. Its fine Haruhi... I want to explore the school. Just walk me to the library alright?"

"Fine, just be careful alright?"

"I will be. I'm the one that's suppose to worry about you not the other way around."

"Bye Tsuki!" I waved to Haruhi, entering the classroom. I saw the girls only wearing yellow dresses and boys black pants. I felt like the odd one out because I wore a yellow dress, that was a little bit above my knees. I felt odd, but Haruhi told me it was fine because she said she was going to get me a uniform. I walked past them hearing their comments that they said.

"What do you think she was doing with Haruhi?"

"Is she THAT desperate to be with him?"

"Please. She doesn't HAVE a chance with him, I mean look at her." I ignored their comments, I'm used to getting such comments. I walk and sit down on the corner window seat in the back. I grab my school bag and I open it. I grab my sketchbook that an old friend gave to me, it was expensive so it was in good condition. I also grabbed the sketching pencils that another friend gave me. I opened the sketchbook and looked for something to sketch. I looked around till I saw a cute pink bunny. I saw the owner to the cute bunny, and saw a cute boy. He had honey blond hair that was so fluffy that it looked like clouds. His eyes were caramel brown, I could melt just by his sweet smile. I stopped looking at the cute boy and I payed attention to the bunny. I started to sketch the bunny till the teacher came, I put my sketchbook and pencils back and replaced them with a notebook and a writing pencil. As the teacher began to talk, I felt myself starting to doze off. I looked outside admiring the the garden it looked so vibrant. So many colors that were put into the canvas. What felt like eternity the bell finally rang and everyone walked out. I packed my things and I saw Haruhi was in front of me. I grabbed my bag and ran to her, she smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the classroom walking down the halls. After we walked upstairs, we kept walking down the halls. I couldn't help admire the beautiful expensive things that decorated the halls. The big crystal chandelier that hung on top of the ceiling shined brighter than a million suns. We stood in front of the library, I grabbed the door handle but Haruhi let go of my hand.

"If you need me I'm down the hall, I'm in Music Room #3 alright?"

"Thanks Haruhi, but I'll be fine. Now go you're going to be late." She ran down the hall and I saw her disappearing in the distance. I opened the door, I saw lots of kids talking and laughing. I walked around looking at the book shelves. I looked and found some good thrillers, romance and action books. I grabbed two, and went to check them out. I walked out of the library, placing the books in school bag. I walked down the hall till I arrived in front of Music Room #3. I opened the door and rose petals came out flying gently in the air.

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