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Tsuki POV

I woke up, feeling my heart beat faster. I have a bad feeling about today but I shake my head. I tend to be paranoid; it must just be my imagination. I get inside the bathroom to take a shower and I begin to think of Kenji. His gift is really pretty, and he's nice to me since we were children. I think back on all childhood friends and remember either they moved away or I no longer speak with them. 

'That's kind of sad..' I get changed into my uniform to take things off my mind. I walk outside to see Haruhi sleeping on the table. She must be really tired.. hmm what can I do? I try to get her to the bed; hearing her sleep talk. I giggle as I try to lay her on the bed, and she lays on her side. I cooked some rolled omelets along with tempura for her to eat.

I write a quick note of the food and get my bag. I put my hair into some braids and put my shoes on. I leave quickly and walk the rest of the way. No stares nor comments were made towards me. I hum happily and walk inside the classroom. I sat at my seat and saw no one bothering me. It felt good and I got my stuff out.
The teacher walks inside and begins the lesson. The day feels mundane but it feels nice to get a break. Once the bell rings for lunch, I walk to Haruhi's classroom. I see the teacher and another student; who stares at me. Their gazes made me feel uneasy but I didn't utter another word.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but I was wondering if I can have Haruhi's homework?" He nods and hands me the homework. I see the student glare at me, but I look away. I thank him and leave the two in peace. I walked towards the music room but I was fighting back whether I should go. I decided to go to help and open the door.

I see Honey staring at me, and I smile. He leads inside the room. I see everyone else of the host club stare at me, and watch Tamaki give me a rose.

"Oh sweet maiden, how lost you must be to find the light; now you have found it with us; the host club." I begin to laugh, and the others look at me curiously. I continue, now knowing why Haruhi always found Tamaki funny. I hear a haughty laugh and see a girl rise from a board. It was Ringe; the girl who has a crush on Haruhi.

"Tsuki, would you like to take part in my experiment?" I stop my laughter, and look at them now confused. They all have a glint in their eyes, I don't like this. She looks at them and they nod. I was dragged away by the twins and looked to see a fancy changing room. I hear her yell from the other room, and look at the twins holding a yellow dress.

"Get changed." I refuse but they keep pressing me till I grab the dress and go inside the changing room. I change into the dress and stare at myself. I came out and was taken back to the main room. I sat down and felt someone brush my hair. I see a stylist, and I try to relax; it's been a while since someone did my hair like this. I fell asleep and saw my hair was all done; my hair looked all shiny and the curls came back. I stand up and look to see Kyoya approach me.

"Are you ready?" I nod and he gently leads me to the kitchen.

"You're going to get drinks ready, and when you're going to host we'll let you know. Do you have an idea of how to host?" I shake my head, he leads me to where Tamaki is.

"You see how Tamaki is charming them, how he is trying to make them fall from him.." I nod and he turns to me.

"Act that way, charm them; I'm sure you can do that.." I nod, now a little more confused than before. I go inside the kitchen and help prepare the instant coffee and tea. Once it was done, I got the teapots ready and started to serve the different customers.

"Tsuki, come here." I turn my head to see Tamaki with a group of boys. I come over with my tray of coffee.

"Please introduce yourself.." I curtsy and smile gently. It was a smile that I remember made me look the most presentable.

"My name is Tsuki Hara, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I see their judgement eyes and I feel myself get a little irritated. 

'Great, I'll have to stroke these brat's egos.. Fucking great..'

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