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I'm in class now, and this is really boring, I though about talking to my soulmate again but I don't wanna bother him.

I grab my pen and start to doodle around my notebook, always keeping an eye on the teacher so I don't get caught.

After the class ends I go to my locker and then go meet Lisa and Hyejin.

Lisa: "I can't believe this is happening ugh"

Hyejin: "This is why I hate math and Mr. Williams"

"What exactly is happening here?"

Lisa: "We we're just informed that we have tons a math homework because the teacher didn't show up today"

"I suck at math, how about the two of you come to my house after school?"

Hyejin: "Sorry I can't, my mom wants my help to clean the house, and you know how she gets if I miss clean days"

"How about you Lisa?"

Lisa: "I can't also, I already have plans with jungkook"

"You two are getting along quite well aren't you?"

Lisa: "Maybe...but whatever, hmm I have to go catch you guys later"


Finally school is over! I grab my math book from my locker and get out of school, I should call my mom or else she's gonna me worried.

"Hi eomma"

Eomma: "Hi sweat pea, are you going home?"

"Yes I am, are you home"

Eomma: "No darling I do the nightshift at the hospital today, could you pick up your brother for me? And I'm so sorry I'm not gonna spend the rest of your birthday with you, I need the extra cash"

"That's okay mom I get it and yes...see you later I guess"

Me and my brother are used to this, but we can't be mad, our mom works really hard and as a single parent she's doing pretty well.

I walk to the elementary school and see my brother waiting with one of his friends.

Minho: "Y/n! I though mom was picking me up??"

"Hey lil bro, not today, mom has to work so your stuck with me. And who's this little fellow"

???: "I'm not little!"

Minho: "He's my friend Hyunjin, his mom couldn't pick him up"

"Oh okay... well he can come with us if he wants"

They nod and we walk to our house, when we get there they go straight to the living room and start playing ps4. Aish these kids, I go to the kitchen and make three sandwiches for all of us, I was so hungry.

After I finish eating I go up the stairs to my room and crash on the bed. Happy birthday to me, what a day, now that I think about it there still cake we can eat that as desert after dinner.

I go to the bathroom and take a shower, then I put my pj's. What's missing? Oh yeah math homework...

I take the math book out of my backpack and go to my desk, i look at the book oblivious of what to do.

I should study harder, but math sucks.

???: "Hey"

Now I'm hearing voices great.

Oh no I forgot I can talk to someone though my thoughts now, at least I now math is not driving me crazy.


???: "You seem upset what's going on?"

How does he know? Did my Hi sounded angry or something?

"Just math homework...I suck at math"

???: "I'm good in math, if you want I can help you"


???: "Of course, after all your my soulmate"


A/N: Double update!!!

I forgot to say last chapter but I changed their ages.
Jk, Jimin and Tae are 18
Hobi, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin are 23

Please don't forget to vote and comment I purple all of you💜

Substitute teacher- (Soulmate AU: Jin ff)Where stories live. Discover now